four | speed finish

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warning /// mild girlxgirl smut ahead.

Mona throws me up against the bathroom wall, just before pinning my wrists down at my sides. I'm about to suggest that we take whatever this is back to my apartment, when her lips smack into mine and silence me. We're in one of those handicap stalls, which grants us enough room to move around freely, but we pretty much stay in one spot regardless. The music from outside can still be heard, although it's muffled through the walls and I can only make out certain words of the Nicki Minaj song playing.

I feel my clutch get pulled from my grasp and I watch in horror as it falls to the contaminated bathroom floor.

"That's Coach!" I whine, but she doesn't even acknowledge my words, she's too busy working a bruise into my neck.

While she continues to brand me with her mouth, I look around the stall and cringe at what I'm currently surrounded by. The walls are gratified with profanity, there's toilet paper all over the floor, and the toilet seat is soaked with piss. It's disgusting, really.


I just want to make it clear that I've never done this before. I don't purposely seek out strangers to hook up with me in dirty club bathrooms, it just sort of happened.

My breath hitches as Mona's hand slides down my skirt, and suddenly I'm willing to look past the horrible set of scenery. You get what you're given, right? Needing more, I tug down on her bottom lip with my teeth and moan into her mouth. She must understand exactly what I want, because she pulls away from my kiss and sinks down to my waist. The back of my skirt swiftly unzips, and she pulls the fabric down to my ankles. I then peek down at my underwear, double checking that I did in fact change out of my Disney princess ones. I close my eyes in relief when I discover that I'm wearing a black lace thong from Victoria's Secret.

As her tongue enters me, my entire body practically spasms and I hold onto the railing on the wall for support. Note to self: wash hands before exiting the bathroom.

"Oh my gosh," escapes my lips, in an embarrassing moan-type fashion. But I can't help it, her mouth does things to me that I've never felt before in my twenty-two years of life. It feels like there's a twister inside of me, taking me to Oz and back, over and over again on a repeating loop. I hold onto the cat ears on my head as they begin to fall toward my sweaty forehead, and I rightfully set them back in place.

After a few minutes or so pass,  I feel her begin to recite the alphabet against my clit, but I orgasm before she even gets to the letter O.

Just as I think she's ready to pull off, and that we're finished, her tongue only goes in deeper for round two. I'm once again reminded why I like girls so much.

Suddenly, there's a hard knock on the stall door and my eyes shoot open to make sure that there's a lock between us.

"Are you almost done in there?" The unfamiliar voice calls through the partition. "Did you fall in?"

"Maybe we should stop," I quietly whisper down to Mona, but she just digs her nails into my hips and continues faster.

"Uh- just a second! Bad stomach ache, sorry!" I lie to the stranger, which buys me literally only two minutes of silence until there's another hard, impatient, knock.

"Come on lady, this is the only handicap stall, and this gal's got to shit!" the woman continues.

"Let's go, Mona," I insist. "We can finish up another time." I reach down to pull up my underwear, but she smacks my hand away.

"Not yet, just cum for me one more time, baby," Mona replies into me.

What the heck is wrong this is girl? As if once wasn't enough. Okay, okay, you can do this Ariana, I tell myself. Do it for all the queer girls who are too afraid to have intercourse with girls, do it for all the straight girls who don't even get to cum before their man is finished.

I absorb every flick of her tongue, every twist, and every hum, really allowing the sensations to ring throughout my entire body.

"Hurry up you son of a bitch! I'm going to shit all over the place!" the woman outside of the door barks, which makes me lose my concentration. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Okay, get your head back in the game Ariana. You can do this. I buck my hips outward and throw back my head, which hits the tile hard with a smack.

I immediately yelp, as New York kicks my ass for the second time today, and both of my hands come up to provide pressure on the back of my head. "I think I just gave myself a concussion," I tell Mona, who still ignores me.

"I will shit in your motherfucking mouth!" The woman continues, pounding her hand against the door louder and louder.

I'm honestly about to cry. Between the exhaustion of my peach, the growing lump on the back of my head, and the annoying woman outside of the stall, I just can't do it anymore.

"Stop, stop, just fucking stop!" I yell,  reaching my breaking point. Reluctantly, Mona pulls off of me and pokes her head up.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'm concussed! I'm starting to see stars all over the room and I just need a break," I tell her, as I quickly pull up my underwear and skirt, and retrieve my clutch from the floor. Thankfully, it's dry and unscathed of anything foul.

I then pull myself together and stumble over to the stall door.

"Sorry," I lead with, swinging the partition open wide. There's an elderly woman sitting in a wheelchair. She has a prosthetic arm too, which makes me feel even worse about the delay.

She shoots the both of us a death glare, her eyes narrowed extra tight under the brim of her Met's hat. "So you were eating muff pie will I had to shit?!" Her voice reaches an octave my ears had yet to hear, which makes me head feel even worse.

"Shut it, Optimus Prime. The stall is all yours," Mona tells the woman as she pops some gum into her mouth and brushes past her wheelchair. I follow closely behind her, not wanting to be left with the angry woman.

"I already shat myself!" I hear her unpleasantly confess, just as I close the bathroom door behind me.

Fuck, I didn't even get a chance to wash my hands! I contemplate going back into the bathroom, as I'm really big on dodging germs, when I remember that I have a travel size of hand sanitizer stuffed in my clutch. I pull it out and press a few squirts in my hand before offering Mona some as well.

"Do you wanna go get some tacos? I know a place down the block," she inquires, rubbing the sanitizer into her hands.

"Oh, I don't eat meat," I reply, and tuck the bottle back into my clutch and look for some loose Aspirins.

"Ooh, so you're strictly into girls then?" Mona chuckles.

"I'm actually bisexual- I don't eat meat as in animals," I sigh, finding nothing to help my head. "Do you know where there's a drugstore nearby? I need some Aspirin, or Advil, or anything."

"I'm kidding. I knew what you meant, I'm actually bisexual too," she responds. "And yeah, Sloan just bought some actually. Let's go find her."

I take in a deep breath of air and smile when she tells me that Sloan has something for my head. Thank god, help is on the way. Mona takes my hand and carefully guides me through the crowd. "So like, is everybody bisexual in Manhattan?" I continue the conversation to distract myself from my throbbing headache.

"Nah, only the cool ones."


poor ariana is getting the shit kicked out her today, isn't she??

btw anybody else loving one directions's new song????

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