Chapter 23: Start Over, Again

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I checked into my hotel and took a quick power nap. I was super tired from Jet Lag and completely confused as to what I was going to do. Did I really want to do this? I've always wanted to visit LA I could just spend some time on the beach. I brought enough money to stay here longer than planned but I knew what I had to do.

When I woke up it was lunch time so I went out to eat at Panera and as if I was on auto pilot I found myself driving directly to the address on the envelope sent to me from Sammy. I still couldn't believe I was doing this. When I arrived at the house there were multiple cars in the drive way. I sat in my rental car and stared at the house refusing to leave the safety of my car. I hesitated but eventually I left my car with the letter in my hand.

I walked slowly up the stairs and knocked on the door nervously. The butterflies flew around my stomach anxiously. An unfamiliar face opened up the door and searched my face for a clue as to how I was.

"Hi, is Sammy there?" I asked.

"SAMMY A PRETTY GIRL IS HERE ASKING FOR YOU" The boy called out to Sammy.

"Pretty girl?" I hear Sammy ask as he walks toward the door. "Leah." He almost whispered.

My stomach dropped and I was lost for words.

"I need you to stop sending me these cheap, worthless, annoying cards. Im fine." I held the letter up and he said.

"Leah I-" He started but I continued.

"Obviously, you don't actually care about my well-being because if you did you would have come to see me in the hospital which in case you were wondering, I almost DIED. So know I come to the conclusion that I meant absolutely nothing to you because you didn't care enough so you just sent me a card with your pity written all over it."

His brows furrowed and he had a confused expression as I continued ranting to him. But I quickly stopped talking when I heard something in the back.

"Babe!" A girl called out. "Babe who's at the door?" A girl appeared behind Sammy and she wrapped her arms around her waist.

My jaw dropped and I shook my head and started laughing. I looked up at the sky and then back at Sammy.

"Typical. Typical of you Sam. " I shook my head laughing. "Take your pathetic card. I don't want to hear from you ever again." I ripped the letter in half and threw it in his face. I turned around and started walking down the stairs.

"Leah, wait." He said following me.

"Oh please chase me, yet once again and beg for my forgiveness. I didn't come here to hear how "sorry" you are. I came here to get my message across. YOU were the one who left ME." I said looking at him in the eye.

"I don't want you to go." He said.

"Yeah well clearly you have somebody else now. Now its time for me to move on. Its over Sam." I said walking to my car.

"She doesn't even mean anything to me! I still love you! I had to come to LA and I thought it would be easier on you if I just left." He said looking down at the ground.

"I don't need your explanation." I said getting into my car and slamming the door.

He knocked on the window and said "Wait."

I rolled down my window. "I better get going, ive got a man whore waiting for me at my hotel. Oh wait, that's you! Haha you've got a slut to tend to so I would get back to her."

"Leah! You cant go." Sammy said following my car as I slowly backed out of the drive way.

"The funny thing is, YOU LEFT ME! Im just returning the favor." I said harshly.

"Let me make it up to you!" he yelled as I turned to go down the street.

"That wont be needed!" I yelled back before speeding down the street.




I was left feeling completely empty after I watched her drive off down the street. I shouldn't have left her. But she didn't even seem hurt? I walked back up the stairs and kicked Casey, the slut I met on the beach, out of my house. Leah was right. I did this too myself and now I was just upset.

"Who was that?" James asked.

James is my room mate. I met him at my recording studio and he is full of talent. He is really fun and nice and I am enjoying spending time with him.

"Remember Leah? I told you about her?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. She's hot dude." He said.

"Yeah, I know." I said combing through my hair with my fingers.

"She left you?" He asked.

"Well I left her for LA and then she just left me now." I said.

"What the hell are you doing here then? Go get her! Here I'll help you track her down." James said grabbing his laptop.

"No, James. I've tried to win her back one too many times. I think its actually over." I said still dazed by the fact that it was over.

"Do you love her?" James asked.

"Yeah, with all my heart. I love her so much." I said looking down.

"Then you have to do this. You are going to regret it if you don't. She totally still likes you, or she wouldn't have come to show you up. She didn't travel all this way just to shove a card in your face." He said matter of factly.

"True.. so what do we do?"



After I left Sammy's place I found a nice beach and I laid in the sun taking in the beauty of the palms. I ran down to the water and went in knee deep and took a snapchat. I looked out at the waves and just took a deep breath. I felt relaxed.

"Really think you could loose me that easy?" A familiar voice said coming up to me. Sammy.

"How did you find me?" I said sighing.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." he said winking.

"You're soooooooooooo annoying." I said leaving the water.

"Lets just talk." he said.

"No thanks." I said.


"I got to go." I said going to my stuff.

"I love you." he said.

"No you don't. " I said stopping in my tracks.

"Are you kidding? You must have really hit your head in that crash if you really think I don't love you!" He said.

"Sammy you wouldn't have just left like that. Do you know how many days I just sat in bed crying?"

"I was trying to protect you. I thought it would be worse if I told you I was leaving." He said.

"You were so wrong." I said and started walking again.

"Im sorry. But you have to believe that I still love you!"

"And then what? I go back home and we try and do this whole long distance thing? I go to college and you live your dream in LA? Its not going to work! I have given you too many chances to fix things and it just isn't working." I said.

He stood there stunned and I continued walking. I grabbed my things and started walking to my car.

"Don't do this!" He called out.

"Sammy! There is nothing left!" I yelled and turned around. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Just, forgive me." He said whispering and coming closer to me. All of a sudden he grabbed me and kissed me passionately.

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