Breakfast with Kai Parker imagine

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You were still stuck in the prison world with Kai. You were in bed under your blanket. While you were still half asleep, you heard Kai's foot steps in the halls. A few seconds later you didn't hear his foot steps anymore so you moved the blanket and peeked out just to hear one more time. Before you knew it he was sitting on the side of your bed. KAI:Morning beautiful!
YOU: Kai... Can I sleep a little longer...
KAI: Uh uh. You're going to eat breakfast with me.
YOU: Kai.. I eat breakfast with you every morning.
KAI: I don't care. Now come on, I made you waffles.
YOU: I hate you.
KAI: ah.... You love me. Now let's go.

You guys walk to the kitchen. As you walk into the kitchen you saw the good all set up just for you and him like always.

KAI: sit. I have to talk to you.
YOU: Are we talking about finding the ascendent again? Because I am not going out to find it, it's your turn to go find it.
KAI: yeah... Um.. That's not what I'm talking about. We can talk about that later.
YOU: so... What'd you want to talk to me about..??
KAI: So... Since we've been here for like, seven months, I was thinking... We should go on a date. I mean... You're quite adorable and um if you haven't noticed I've been pretty nervous around you.
YOU: *rolls your eyes* this is what you wanted to talk about...?
KAI: uh.. Yeah..
YOU: Haha.. If you give me something.
KAI: y/n, what is it?
YOU: Well... I've been wanting to leave this place. And I know you have your magic, and it is your only way to see me EVERYDAY. And I know you've liked me for like ever. So.

Kai looks away and chuckles.

KAI: Yes. That is very true.. So if you go on a date with me I will let you go. Deal? Deal.

He wipes the syrup off his face and walks away.

YOU: Meet me at mystic grill at 7:30.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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