Episode 3

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Mud Pie Pov"
OK I get away from this stupid girls because I'm sensitive.They know I'm sensitive but they really appreciate me as their friend....Now I'm in our Hiding Place. Someone besides the door...I don't know who is she but I think it's Heart Chain.

Ding....Dong......Ding... Dong....

Heart Chain Pov"
Literary they put a doorbell besides the door in our Hiding Place.. So I know Mud Pie is their.. Sometimes she hide their if she has a problem,bad mood, bad news and more... OMG the door is opened then I check inside if Mud Pie is their. I saw her feet besides the chair I knew it,it's Mud Pie..

Celestia Pov"
I wish Mud Pie is alright with Heart Chain.OK change topic where here now in our classroom.You know I'm popular here so here we go they passed me a yellow paper and I said what's this for,Daisy said autograph, Then I said for who, Daisy said for Black Shadow Heart she's new here, Then I said OK so I signed it because you know I'm popular here they want me to signed their paper, notebooks and more..OK the teacher is here so I take of my shades.Then I give it to Daisy.

Daisy Pov"
OK come on celestia gave her shades to me I don't believe it. Then she said it's yours..OMG she really love me as her best friend, She gave me her shades,her autograph,fansign,picture that she wears swim suit,kimono,professional,dress,t-shirt,and pants.She gave me also her bag,purse,new purse,and her professional bag,she gave me also a ring and a shoes,hats,a new shirt and lipstick.

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