Sleep Attack

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Everyone was asleep. Everyone but Peter. He was keeping watch in a tree while watching everything and everybody. He watched the lost boys sleep and hear them snore. Including drooling. He just rolled his eyes in annoyance.
He thought.
Then his attention turned to Henry. He watches as he's all snuggled up in Alice's sweater which was given to him. He watches in anger.
What does Alice see in this little twerp?
He thought as he pulled out a stuffed white rabbit from his pocket.
He stares at it with mixed feelings. Both happiness and despair. It was a gift for Alice before she..."died" He thought back to what happened on that horrible day.

Peter's POV
"Alice!" I yelled waiting for Alice to come while holding something behind my back.
She came running in with twigs and leaves stuck in her hair. I laughed.
"Yes Peter?" She asked as she pulled out the sticks and leaves.
"I have something for you!" I yelled excitedly.
"Really?! Oh dear I wonder what it is!" She said excited as well.
"Alright but close your eyes and stick out your hands!" I said.
She did what I said as I settled a white stuffed rabbit onto her small hands. She then opened up her eyes and her mouth turned into a shinning grin.
"Oh Peter! I absolutely adore it! Thank you very much!" She said as she tightly hugged me.
I hugged her back and said,
"No problem Alice."

"!" I yelled out of horror and anger at what I saw under the old pixie dust trees.
I ran to her lifeless body. I threw myself to the ground to hold her up. I looked at her pale and motionless face. White as milk. Her eyes were closed and she was holding her white stuffed rabbit. Her mouth was slightly opened reviling her chipped teeth. I hugged her so tightly so she could have some of my body heat. She was so cold.
"Alice no! Please don't go!" I yelled as tears came down my cheeks.
"Please don't! We need you here! I need you here! Please!" I yelled at her.
She didn't answer me. I always hated when I didn't get a response.

I watched as she was in her small coffin. On a raft and surrounded by flowers. Mostly daisies. She wore a rose crown and a white dress. She looked so calm. Lost boys laid flowers inside her opened coffin. Some were trying to not cry while others let waterfall tears go down their faces. I wouldn't  blame them. I walked closer to her and laid a kiss on her forehead. She showed no response. I quickly walked away.
"Felix push her away..." I said as I turned away.
I turned around a bit and saw Felix lay a kiss on Alice's cheek as he closed and locked the coffin's lid. I didn't even care. I then saw him and a couple of lost boys push her away into the ocean. I used my powers to make the waves push her away and make her leave Neverland as I tightly held onto the rabbit.

As I was still staring at the rabbit, I saw movement at the corner of my eye. I turned to it and realized it was Alice. She was walking out of her tent with both of her eyes shut. Her head was hunged down low. I jumped out of the tree I was in and began to walk towards her. She then pointed a sword at me. I stood still. I soon realized that it was actually mine.
What the-oh crap. I must of dropped it when I was in there.
I thought.
She then began to mumble.
"Alice listen to me. Put down the sword." I whispered calmly.
I then laded my hands softly on hers. She punched me in the face in which I groaned loudly as I holded my cheek. Due to my lousy yelp, a couple of the lost boys woke up. Including Henry who was tired from the wake and surprised at what was going on.
"Boys stay away. Alice is not right." I said as I picked up a sword.
As I was about to talk to Alice again, she began to swing her sword at the lost boys. A couple got out of the way but a couple got cut. Alice kept on mumbling. The lost boys then picked up their weapons. The fight was on. Alice swung her sword so fast that even I couldn't block some of them. So many lost boys got hurt. Alice blocked the attacks that was thrown at her. She used such quick moves that it was impossible to see her. She even jumped and backflipped on one of the boy's back. She was still mumbling. Then all of a sudden, she ran. She ran in the direction of where a cliff was.
"Boys after her!" I yelled in fear.
What was she going to do?
I ran and ran along with the boys and Henry to her. When she finally stopped, she grabbed me and threw me down to the ground. I tried to get up but she pointed her sword at my chest. She was still mumbling. All of a sudden, she began to act as if she was being choked and dropped her sword. Soon she stopped the act. Then Alice turned her head to Henry who was in fear. He stared at her and she stared at him. She then turned her attention to me. She putted her hand on my chest softly but nothing happened. She lifted her hand up and as if something was in her hand and squeezed it. She turned her attention to a different spot and said,
"Yes sir."
Alice walked near a cliff. That's when Felix ran over as Alice almost fell off. He grabbed her and pulled her to a safer level. He began to shake her to wake her up and Alice opened her eyes. She looked around in surprise. She asked Felix something but I couldn't hear. That was when I passed out due to the loss of blood I was giving out.

Henry ran over to Felix and Alice. He was so worried because he knew what happened.
"Alice! Are you ok?" He asked frantically.
"I think so..." Alice said as she stood up.
"Alice. Do you know what happened?" Henry said as he looked up at Alice.
Alice stared at Henry. She crossed her head.
"No..." She replies as she puts her head down.
"Your night terrors happened again." Henry said as he grabbed Alice's hands.
"Wh-what? But I" Alice said as her voice cracked.
"I don't know. But something must of ticked it to go off like that." Henry said as he tried to look at Alice.
Alice was so shocked and scared. She began to feel hot salty water come down her cheeks. She slipped her hands away from Henry.
"I-I have t-to go" Alice said as she ran with her face covered.

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