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"Y'all literally are like on and off every damn week." Emani said

Amoura chewed her food with a frown "We not on and off if we not together."

"Y'all are damn near." Jaliyah said with shrug "Mind as well be together."

"I wanted that but you know he care for me as a little sister." She mocked him

"He said he care for you as a little sister?" Jaliyah asked with raised eyebrows along with the shocked look on Emani's face

"Amoura say sike." Emani said

"No he did." Amoura laughed a little "It's whatever I don't care as much as when he first said it cause I was pissed but... what can I do?"

"Uhhh leave his ass alone." Jaliyah said, Emani talked in agreement with her

"You know I won't knock you being with somebody cause I'm happy if you are but at this point it's repeated disrespect. I'm starting think he put some voodoo spell on you that keeps making you go back."

"If anything he texts me coming back."

"Bitch you answering so what progress that's making? Look at y'all back beefing over his PlayStation." Emani said

"It's his attitude that pisses me off. He never gives a fuck and he's too nonchalant."

"He took it far when he let some bitch argue with you at that party. That should've been the last straw."

"He apologized about it and said he said something to her. Not that it makes it right cause honestly it still makes me mad which is why I don't wanna think about it."

"How you know that for sure?"

Amoura didn't say anything for a minute "I can tell when he's lying and when he isn't plus he admitted to me you know... they did what they did. I flipped about that but at the end of the day he's not my nigga."

"And he fucked he-"Jaliyah paused "I will personally beat his ass."

"Yeah, definitely down to do that and beat the bitch ass also."

"Y'all we moved past it. I honestly hate dwelling on that stuff cause I got over it and I don't want to be mad all over again about it. Me and Lakief almost had sex and so he feels even about what he did. I don't but whatever."

"I can't stop you from being with who you wanna be with. I can say I tried though."

"I saw a different side of him that day. He talked to me about some of his childhood experiences. He was back to that soft side I like and not the Dre that's not shit."

"That nigga so toxic." Emani said "He just don't know if you're his enemy or not."

Amoura laughed "Girl, I swear."

"What about Lakief?" Jaliyah asked "I like you better with him."

"We still cool. We text every now and then. Strictly friends. He knows that night I wasn't all the way there and we could put it behind us."

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