Chapter 16- No..

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XD oh, and by the way, get ready because here's the FEELS😭

The smell of the ethyl alcohol and medicines are mixing in the pure white hospital room. His nose wrinkled as he breath and he instantly knew where he was. His eyes are getting slightly blurry as he opened it. The bright light hurt his eyes. But after a while, it adjusted and he can see clearly now. He looked at his right and he saw a needle injected to his pale wrist and he shivered. He don't like hospitals at all. But he was to blame because of his stupidity. Kise cuts and he fainted then, Momoi followed him to his apartment and she forcefully break the door. She saw the horror sight of Kise, lying unconsciously at his blooded bed. She instantly called Aomine and the ambulance. The tanned teen told Midorima to watch on Kuroko while he check on Kise.

And now, he just woke up to find him, got injected by a needle and an IV bag is hooked at the top. A steady beeping of his heart monitor is heard and he saw Kuroko, staring at him on the other bed. His heart sped up and his eyes widened. "So, you're awake, Kise-kun." He said with his stoic expression and his usual voice tone. Kise felt butterflies on his belly and the corner of his lips moved upwards. He tried to sit up but failed. His head is throbbing. The blonde winced in pain and Kuroko looked at him with worry. "Are you okay, Kise-kun?" the teal-haired teen asked.

Kise nodded and he smiled. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He tried again but it's still the same, he can't talk. His throat is dry and it hurt. He swallowed some saliva to lubricate his throat but it didn't work. No words are heard and it's a mystery why.

Midorima walked inside the room with a cup of coffee in his hand but he almost drop it when he saw Kise awake. Kise is unconscious for about 72 hours from blood loss. Too much blood are loss because of the cut was too deep. Luckily, it didn't reached the artery but he almost cut it. The green-haired male looked at him and looked at Kuroko for a moment then, returned to look at Kise. He sighed and asked, "How are you, Kise?"

He waited for a moment but Kise didn't reply. He felt worried but of course, he wouldn't say it. (ツンデレ。<-- it means Tsundere XD) He called Kise but again, no reply. Kise pointed his throat and by Midorima's intelligence, he quickly knew what he's trying to say. "I get it (nanodayo), I'll call my father." He then left after he took a sip from his black coffee.

*Time Skip cuz I'm too lazy XD*

(A/N: Kise's 'unable to speak' is a mystery based on Midorima's father)

They both got out of the hospital and the atmosphere when they are together is awkward.

"Kise-kun, am I really your lover?" Kuroko asked while sipping his vanilla milkshake at the Maji Burger. He's currently with Kise because Kuroko wanted to talk about 'them'. Kise looked down and took out his mini whiteboard and the whiteboard marker and started writing. 'You probably don't remember much about me but it's true. You only remember Akashi being with you but you can't remember me at all. He's the reason why you became hospitalized and why you have a temporary amnesia.'

Kuroko looked at the whiteboard and read it. "So, you're saying that my lover is the reason why I became hospitalized? Are you kidding me? Or are you just making stories?" He said. Kise froze at the other's reply. He didn't expect this at all. Why all of a sudden?His eyes widened and his heart is thumping loudly. He wrote again, 'No! You're wrong, Kurokocchi! You're my lover, believe me! We're so happy back then but Akashi broke our relationship by making me leave at the country! Please, believe me!' Kise showed to his 'lover' what he wrote and he started to cry. After Kuroko read the message, he looked at Kise coldly. A cold glare that send shivers down his spine. Kise gritted his teeth as his heart stung like hell, trying to hold back sobs and cries. He failed. "I hate you." These words broke his heart than it did before.

Akashi's POV

I'll make you all... PAY!

( )
That's just PART 1 of the incoming FEELS!

I really love angst (sadist)

XD Oh, by the way, it's gonna end preeeeetty soon~ sadly
Sorry for not updating X.X

Till next time~

I love you~


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