Chapter Two.

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Ruby and Pearl Day as Lotus and Lyric but imagine them with a more vibrant blonde hair!

Just so everyone knows that these symbols ** will mean people are talking in sign language and that these symbols -- -- mean people are speaking through the pack link.

Zaiden's P.O.V

"Oh god baby!"

I don't make any noises of pleasure as I fuck this random woman I met the night before, no grunts, moans or groans, no shivers of ecstasy-she is just something that is scratching an itch I have and nothing more.

"Fuck! Harder babe! I want to be sooore!"

The way she slurs her words in that nasally tone and making these annoying sounds is starting to turn me off so I grab her by the neck and shove her face into the pillows in front of her, making a raspy gasp come from the back of her throat and the noise made me tremor in disgust so I pull out of her and start to use my own hand to finish myself off.

My fist is tighter than her!

It doesn't take long for me to release into the condom and once I'm done I pull it off, tie the opening into a knot and go into the bathroom to flush it down the toilet, "you can get out now." is all I say when I poke my head out the bathroom door to see if she's still here or gone. I then slam the bathroom door closed and lock it before going over to my shower, turning the knobs until I get the right temperature and jump in with a groan. All my tense muscles start to relax under the hot soothing spray before I reach down for the shampoo that smells like coffee and lathering it up my hair, god I love showers!

Plus I'm washing the scent of that whore off too, bonus!

I step under the hot spray once again to rinse out the shampoo when sudden taps on my bathroom door interrupt my shower and the overpowering smell of the cheap and overly sweet perfume drifts through the steamy room, for fuck sake! I quickly finish up my shower and wrap a towel around my waist before opening the door, "I'm having your baby, Zack." all I did was give her a blank stare. Fucking really?

"My name is Zaiden, this is the first time I've met you and hopefully the last. You are here to help me get off and nothing else, so get the fuck out of my house!" I feel my chest rumble with a silent growl as I glare down at her, pathetic woman. I start to walk to my wardrobe when I hear a whimper, oh great, cue the crocodile tears! My eyes roll once the fake loud sobs come out of her mouth, tears streaming down her red puffy face, "b-but I love you!" I facepalm at this, groaning in irritation I turn back towards her.

"Get. Out." I growl.


"Get the fuck out of my house. NOW!"

I step towards her while glaring at her desperate self in disgust and finally she runs out of my room and out the house, I know because the front door slamming hurt my ears! With a huff I go to get dressed before I wake up my sister since it's like eight thirty in the morning, she is five years old and deaf but hopefully when she shifts at sixteen she will be able to hear. I feel guilt eat away at me, I shouldn't of brought that girl here, not with my little sister down the hall.

Once dressed in some loose jeans and a dark red singlet I walk out towards Darcy's room and when I get there I open her rainbow coloured door and turn on the lights, when she groans all I do is chuckle as I walk over to her bed and jumping on it so I land right next to her, she glares up at me with a pout *Why did you wake me up dork?* she signs perfectly even though she is still half asleep.

*It is time for you to have breakfast you little snot, so get out of bed and get dressed please bub.* I sign quickly while pulling her blanket off her before running off, dodging her toys she was throwing at my head. She hates me pulling off her blanket but it is so much fun to stir her up! Even if she can be a little scary sometimes...

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