Unleash your fury...

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"Yes, you are covered in blood KITT...." The Trans-Am's right headlight began to flicker, "Run." Michael and Bonnie both ran as fast as they could, all the while looking back at him and begging for their lives! "KITT, fight against it, I know you can win, please spare us! For once, Bonnie was truly afraid of her creation! She could only hope that Michael had better luck in getting through to KITT as she felt the heat of his engine,"I remember the time you talked me out of getting revenge, now I'm returning the favor pal, please remember!" Flashbacks started to flood KITT's CPU.
"No Michael, killing Durant won't do anything, revenge is not the answer, please reconsider!" KITT struggled to hold his friend back with the grappling hook. Michael however, was too enraged, " No, he killed Steveie, let me go, now! KITT didn't want to do it, but he had to get him to calm down. Reluctantly, he carried Michael to the driver side door, opened it and literally threw him into the cabin and locked the doors! "Let me out of here, KITT!" KITT was worried about his friend's state of mind. "If his anger doesn't fade soon, he could do something he'll regret later, I could drive until he calms down or better yet, get him to sleep, but how?" "Wait, I know!" "Michael?" The agent jumped at his name being called, "What is it, KITT....." It was more of a growl then a question. KITT hesitated to answer, but he did eventually, do you want to participate in a game?" Michael rolled his eyes, "KITT, what makes you think I want to play a game right now?" The AI made himself sound sad, "Michael, I just wanted to lighen your mood, I hate to see you like this......" Michael scolded himself, "You idiot, he's just trying to help you, it's not his fault, it's Durant's!" " he's right anyway, what good does it do to get even with the guy, we can catch him together!" In a hapkpier mood now he spoke, "Hey KITT?" "Yes, Michael?" The AI replied. Blue eyes fell on the voice modular,

"Thanks, buddy..."

"What for, Michael?"

"For being my partner....now, what was that game?"

The AI chuckled and said, "Michael, that was the game!"


"It's very simple actually, I used your anger against you by making it seem like you made me "sad", feeling guilty about it clouded your rage, you scolded yourself, came to the conclusion that revenge against Durant wasn't the best course of action, and thus, getting back to your old self...." ............both human and Trans-Am started to laugh.....
*End flashback*

"Michael.....I remember now....Michael... Bonnie?" KARR spoke up, "KITT...it's over...." KITT spoke to his "father" without looking at him, "W-what?"

"Look down."
He did...there, before his tires layed Michael and Bonnie, motionless.... "No, no, Nooooooooo!" "It's Not true!" Black oil started to drip from his headlights, "Oh dear Motherboard, what have I done?!" Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

KITT powered online screaming and Turbo Boosted slightly forward, he frantically scanned the area around him, he was safe and sound in the FLAG garage. "Just a nightterror..." Deep in his mind, he heard a voice, to him it sounded like a combined version of his own and KARR's voice, "Or was it?"  KITT couldn't help it, he looked at the garage again and nearly shut down in shock...

The OTHER KITT, or is it?Where stories live. Discover now