Catch Me If You Can...Alpha 32

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Walking down stairs the next morning, I was in a good mood. School was over and I could feel summer in the air. “Good morning Matty.” I sang, snatching a piece of bacon from his plate and stuffing it in my mouth. He glared at me, and grabbed his plate, moving into the living room. My brother was already in there, munching on some toast.

“What are we doing today?” I asked flopping down into the recliner and pulling the remote off the coffee table. I switched the channel to some sort of music video and bobbed my head absently to the beat. “I’m going to see Lilly.” My brother said, and grinned a goofy smile.

“Cute.” Matt snorted and Sky reached over and cuffed him on the head. Matt dropped his bacon on the floor and shot Sky a wounded look. “What the hell dude! I spent all morning making that bacon!” He crowed and set his plate on the coffee table. I swung my feet on the other side of the couch, expecting a fight.

I burped loudly, causing both men to pause and look at me with wide eyes. “That was at least an eight.” I said, looking at them both for approval. Sky leaned over and held out a hand for a high five. I smacked him one and sighed, glad they didn’t pick up the bacon fight.

“Let’s all go to the beach today.” I decided, then turned to my brother. “You can bring Lilly.” I wheedled. His face lit up and his phone was in his hand in an instant. “You going.” I asked Matty, who had a brooding expression on his face. “I guess so.” He sighed and ate the rest of his bacon in silence.

I wondered what was wrong with him and then decided that maybe it was his time of the month. I went up stairs to shower and change into my black bikini with my short jean shorts and an off the shoulder white tee shirt over it. I grabbed my sun glasses and slipped on my flip flops and then grabbed my phone off my bedside table.

I flicked it open and dialed Melanie. She picked up on the first ring. “Hey Mel, you guys want to go to the beach today?” I asked. “Can’t. We’re busy.” She said and abruptly hung up. My mouth hung open in shock and I looked in bewilderment at my phone, which showed the home screen now.

“What’s the matter Charlie?” My brother asked, passing my door. I shook my head, shooing him away. I tried to make sense of that conversation and came to the conclusion that she didn’t want to hang out. That was okay. I survived fine before any of the pack came along.

I picked up my beach towel and resolutely marched down the stairs. Matt was flopped on the couch the way only boys can flop. He was shirtless and dressed in only low slung camouflage board shorts. My eyes traced the contours of his chest. His skin was a gorgeous tan from being outside for basically his whole life.

“You can stop staring at me anytime now.” He said, his mouth tipping up into a grin without turning around. I flushed, embarrassed at being caught. He laughed, low in his throat and pushed a hand through his dirty blonde hair that never seemed to lay flat.

I stuck my chin out, determined not to let him know I was embarrassed and sat down on the chair opposite him, waiting for Skylar. “Is your boyfriend coming?” Matt asked, spitting out the word boyfriend bitterly. “No, he’s not Matthew.” I snapped at him, becoming defensive. He stopped short, looking perplexed.

“Why not?” He finally asked, and I turned the television up, choosing to ignore him. “Charlie.” He said sternly, and I ignored him. “Charlotte, talk to me.” He said, raising his voice to be heard over the blaring television. “Don’t call me that!” I yelled and chucked my cup of orange juice at him.

He ducked and it hit the wall behind him, shattering into a million pieces. “Jesus Charlie!” Matt roared, and jumped up running into the other room for a broom. I followed at a slower pace, feeling guilty. I shouldn’t have lost my temper.

“I’m sorry Matty.” I said, wrapping my arms around him as he tried to push past me, broom in hand. He blew a breath out through his teeth and pulled me close, nuzzling his face in my hair. “I’m sorry too. You just, piss me off so much sometimes.” He said and his breath raised goose bumps on my arms as it blew down the back of my neck.

“Ready to go?” My brother yelled, and I heard the front door open as he went outside. I sprang away from Matt and scrambled to the car, determined to get shot gun this time.

The beach was all ready in a flurry of activity when we arrived. We staked out a spot and Sky wandered off to find Lilly. I shed my clothes so I was just wearing my bikini and settled my towel into the sand. “Come swimming.” I coaxed Matt, who was laying on another towel, his hand thrown over his eyes.

He squinted up and me and thought about it, then jumped up before I could move away. I squealed a breathless laugh as his hands enclosed my waist and he swung me up effortlessly over his shoulder. “Put me down Matthew!” I shouted, bouncing with his long strides as he made his way toward the crystal blue waves.

He stopped when the water was about mid calf and I quickly sat up, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. “If I’m going in so are you!” I said, grinning ruthlessly.

He easily detached my arms and legs and held me at arms length, laughing as I squirmed. He dropped me into the water and I choked as salt water was sucked into my mouth and down my throat. I quickly closed my eyes so I wouldn’t get any in my eyes and pushed my way to the surface.

I coughed until my lungs were clear and then whirled around, searching for the culprit. Matt was roaring with laughter, his head thrown back and his chest wet from the waves. The water felt blissfully cool on my hot skin.

“I’m going to get you for that!” I said and swam towards him, using all my strength to dunk him under the water. He surfaced, grinning and shook his wet hair at me. We played in the waves until I became tired and then went to the pier in search of something to eat.

We stopped at a café and I ordered cheese fries and a chocolate shake and Matt ordered a burger. When our food was done we took it and settled into a small table outside. I shoveled food in my mouth, leaving no room for conversation.

Matt stared at me, wide eyed. “Where does it all go.” He asked, poking a finger into my toned stomach. I giggled and his eyes twinkled, knowing I was ticklish. “Don’t be jealous. I can’t help it if your fat.” I teased. “Are you kidding me? Look at these guns!” He crowed, showing me his deliciously toned arm muscles.

Three girls about my age gawked at him from two tables over, and then giggled nervously when I glared at them. “Don’t be jealous Sunny.” He said, ruffling my hair and stuffing a fry in his mouth.

I snorted, not sounding very ladylike at all. “I’m not. They can have you.” I said. “Oh really?” He asked, sounding dubious. I nodded and then turned to the girls. “Hey bimbos! He’s all yours!” I shouted and then stood up, dumping my empty tray into the trash and walking back to my towel.

Matt caught up to me about half way there. “Damn Charlie, I forgot how rude you could be.” Matt said, smirking. “I’m not rude. I just state the truth.” I said, smiling back. I lounged in the sun with Matt for a while and when the sun was setting, went looking for Sky.

I found him farther up the beach, cuddled up with Lilly, watching the sun set. I figured he could get a ride home with her and made my way back to Matt. I helped him pack up and then slid into the truck, resting my head on his shoulder as he drove.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in his arms as he carried me up to my room. I stayed awake enough to slid into a tee shirt and then fell back asleep. Around midnight I heard a noise and sat up, covered in sweat.

I looked around and noticed a shadow in the corner of my room. I opened my mouth to scream when a familiar voice hissed, “Charlie it’s me. I glared in that direction, and noticed the familiar lanky outline. “Jackson? What are you doing here?” I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2011 ⏰

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