Their eldest daughter, Elsa, had magical power, She could create snow and freeze things with her hands!!!
Anna, the younger daughter, adored her big sister. The two were inseparable. One night, Anna convinced Elsa to sneak into the Great Hall in the castle and create a winter wonderland!!
But while the girls were playing, Elsa Accidentally hit Anna with a blast of icy magic. Little Anna fell to the ground, shivering. A steak of white appeared in her hair. Frightened for her sister, Elsa called out for help. The worried king and queen rushed their daughters to the realm of trolls. The trolls were mysterious healers who knew about magic.
A wise old troll spoke to them. "You are lucky it wasn't her heart that was stuck, "he said. "The Heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded. We should remove all magic, even memories of magic, to be safe."
The old troll was able to cure Anna by changing her memories, removing all magic from her mind. This meant she wouldn't remember Elsa's magical power.
The troll warned the king and queen :"Fear will be you enemy."