Secrets Must Be Told At Some Point

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I kept running as fast as I could, not looking back. My mind focused on my feet and what was in front of me. All I could hear was a dog barking and a old man huffing as he tried to catch me. I wasn't sure how far back they were, but knew they were close. I keep asking myself why does God give me difficult situations in life? I'm not sure why, but I know he has a reason. I was too busy thinking, that I didn't realize, it is silent. Then I hear a deep, stern, farmer's voice coming from behind me saying,"I'll GET YOU SOMEDAY, JOHN!

I started chuckling. Then I yelled,"GOOD LUCK!"

I stopped running and stood in the high grass field that stretch all the way to the horizon. I looked up at the clouds, admiring them. Then all of the sudden a flash of light lit up the sky, a light that came out of no where. I look behind me, all I could see was dry, land.

"I could've have swore that there was a barn a couple miles behi-" I mumbled out loud to myself, but got cut off. A airplane was coming right for me!

"Oh, my, gosh!" I yelled in shock and ran for my life. Then I heard a loud boom. Thank God it missed me!

"Hello?" I said.

'Seriously John?' I thought to myself,'An airplane just fell out of the sky, randomly, and you think someone is going to jump out and say, Oh hey! What's up?'

I stopped pondering and quickly ran over to the airplane. I heard a little girl groaning. I followed the sound. I saw a leg and kept walking forward and then saw a face. I instantly grab her and pulled her out. Then she cried,"Sarah, you have to get Sarah out!"

I could scarcely hear her. I had no clue who Sarah was, but I figured it was a person with her on the plane. So I looked at the other side of the plane, kind of where I found the little girl and saw a hand. Then an arm. Then a shoulder. Then finally a face. I ran towards her and pulled her out as gently as I could, because she looked like she had broken her leg. She was slightly heavy, but that wasn't what I was so shocked about. This girl was about fifteen years old. That isn't what shocked me either. This girl, looked exactly like me.

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