41| Kevin loves getting gifts from his fans. He even has a cabinet where all his gifts from his fans are hidden.
42| Kevin did a part time job before. /baby sitting
43| Kevin's uncle is an Opera singer in Germany.
44| Kevin came to Korea with his mom to audition last 2006.
45| Kevin once did a clumsy thing in his grandfather's birthday when he was young.
46| Kevin said that his sister and he are similar when they were babies.
47| Kevin is a Christian.
48| Kevin is the member who doesn't wash up that much.
49| Kevin is one hundred percent Korean.
50| Kevin is not good at math.
51| Kevin writes in a neat handwriting.
52| Kevin is always on time.
53| Kevin cries while watching drama shows.
54| Kevin loves to sing random songs at a random time.
55| The happiest moment of Kevin was when he debuted as a singer.
56| Kevin was the last original member of Xing that left the group. /Ki Bum was the first
57| Kevin is one of the Top 10 Most Innocent South Korean stars in a poll taken by Thailand kpop fans.
58| Dongho's first impression to Kevin: I thought that he was younger than me since he has a baby face and looks fresh.
59| Dongho said that the color represents Kevin's personality is pure white.
60| Kevin, Dongho and Xander love hugging their fans. / I wanna see them so they would hug me. Dreammy. *____*