Chapter 20

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In the picture is Clayton Kershaw and his wife Ellen Kershaw.

We arrive at a restaurant close to the stadium. Jamie grabs Bella and Louis takes James from his car seat.

We begin to walk and Joc walks to my side. "Your very pretty you know." Joc whispers to me. "Thank you." I say not making eye contact with him.

"And I think Jamie is a very lucky man." Joc adds. I look at him and he looks down at me as he walks with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I also think he doesn't deserve you." Joc adds chuckling as he fixes his hat then places his hands back in his pockets.

"And you do?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "Yes I believe that." Joc says smiling. "Joc my heart tells me your a wonderful boy, but trust me I am not the woman for you. The love of your life is out there some where and when I meet her I'll tell her she's a very lucky girl." I say stopping in my place.

Joc nods and gives me a small smile before continuing to walk.

"So how old are your children?" Joc asks. "Bella is one, James is almost one, and my oldest one is turning 18." I say smiling.

"Wow 18." Joc says amazed. "Yes, there was a few complications in the past." I say nodding before walking into the restaurant.

When we get seated I sit besides Joc and Clayton. Jamie sits across from me and I give him a apologetic smile. Jamie nods and sits with Bella and James besides him.

"So Jamie how's filming, all the girls know you from your latest movie." Ellen says smiling. "Great, it's going fine for now." Jamie says smiling.

"That's great." Ellen says smiling. Jamie nods and a waitress walks up to our table.

"Hello my name is Miley and I'll be your server today. Would you like to start off with some drinks?" She asks starring at Jamie the whole time.

Jealously takes over my body and I couldn't stand it. I never was jealous in my life before and I couldn't stand the feeling of this slutty waitress drooling over my husband.

Well actually I didn't know at all if she was a slut or not, but it just shows you what jealously does to you.

"Yes I'll have a water and my wife here would like one too." Jamie says pointing to me.

I widen my eyes and the waitress does too. Clearly she didn't know who Jamie and I were at all.

"Of course." She says scribbling down something on her notepad.

She goes around the whole table taking their orders then she leaves.

"You were so jealous." Jamie says chuckling.

"I don't get jealous." I lie. "Well you were now. So thank me for what I did." Jamie says. I roll my eyes and Jamie smiles at my reaction.

Miley comes back with our drinks and starts to stare at Joc. "Is everyone ready to order?" Miley asks still looking at Joc.

Joc shifts in his seat uncomfortable and I try to hold my laugh in as he gets more uncomfortable every second she's standing there starring at him.

I felt bad for him and Clayton begins to chuckle at Joc's face when the waitress leans over him to hand me my drink.

"Oh Joc I forgot to tell you, your fiancé wants to know what time you'll be home, she's excited for that surprise your giving her tonight." I say.

Miley widens her eyes once again and Joc gives me a smile as he shoulders relax. "Thank you, tell her we'll be home late so stay up." Joc says.

I nod and pull out my phone pretending to text back the imaginary fiancé Joc has.

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