Chapter 6

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Liam's pov
I was getting ready for coffee with Brooke because I just wanted to catch up with her and stuff so I thought coffee would be a good idea. I got to a cute little cafe place and the place was French, they had coffee and macaroons. I grabbed a seat that had two chairs. I saw Courtney there and said hi and sat down a guy walked in and sat with Courtney. He looked familiar but I couldn't  see that well because he was behind me. About 5 mins later I see Brooke getting out of her car and see her walking in with a smile and her face just turned blank then I realized.... It was Kian, her boyfriend.

My pov
I walked in and saw Liam.... And Kian! "Kian how could you and you too Courtney" I saw Kian push out his chair and run to me. I was turned around and I felt Kian grab my arm. I looked back with a tear rolling down my face I kept walking in the direction of the exit, and I ran to the car. Tears filling my eyes. I drove back home and opened the door and layed on my bed. I didn't even get my coffee! Ugh. About 15 minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I looked through my door whole thingy and it was Liam. I totally forgot about Liam by then. I opened the door and he gave me a big hug and we sat on my bed and I started to cry even more. "Kians not the right guy if he's gonna cheat on u with your best friend" Liam said "well he might not be cheating, there might be a reason" I say softly "you should be with a guy who will love you" he says while rubbing my back and bringing me closer "yeah I guess" I say we both look at each other and he kissed me I didn't lean in or anything I stayed still when he kissed, even after the kiss. I just didn't feel the spark I felt when we were dating a while ago. "Umm Liam I think you should go I'm going to spend some time with myself for now" I say quietly "ok I'll talk to later bye Brooke" he says while walking out the door "bye" I said
Omg what just happened. I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter I tweeted
It's been a long morning...
I don't have my boyfriend I don't have my best friend my ex boyfriend still has feelings for me what do I do.

Kians pov
I wasn't trying to hurt Brooke. I wanted to go out with Courtney for coffee because I wanted to ask questions about her and I wanted Courtney to help me pick out a one month anniversary gift for us. Why was she with Liam though is she cheating on me? But she cried when she saw me with Courtney so maybe not but what do I do! Do I talk to her idk. I reached over for my phone and texted Brooke to meet me at Taco Bell in 45 mins. I knew she was on her phone because she was liking pictures on her insta timeline. I heard a ding and she texted back
Fine whatever😐 -Brooke
Okay now I can explain to her what happened.

My pov
Kian wants me to go to Taco Bell with him I said sure. He better have a good explanation for this.
I get to Taco Bell and waited until Kian got there we both looked at each other and were very quiet we didn't talk, we ordered and sat down. "I need to explain" he says quietly "go on" I say "I wasn't going on a date with Courtney, I was umm actually gonna ask her to help me pick a one month anniversary gift for you." He explains "oh well um that's very sweet of u I'm such an idiot" I say "no your not, your beautiful even when you make mistakes, we all make mistakes" he says "I was gonna catch up with Liam for coffee if you were wondering I just wanted to know what's knew with him and stuff." I say "oh" Kian says "umm Liam kissed me" I said really quietly "WHAT" he says angrily "we were talking about it and he just kissed me! I didn't lean in for the kiss though I was as stiff as a board and I didn't feel a spark that I do when you kiss me" i said "well um oh" Kian says "I'm gonna go talk to that mean disgusting stealer right now!" Kian says after a long pause of silence

Authors note: this is getting good!!! Comment if you want more this was a good chapter

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