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*Not edited*

~Before she 'died'~

"Well well well, look what I have caught here," it was an deep masculine voice that gradually came closer to my limp body. "Sometimes it's not even worth running from the predator, ya know," he crouch down to look at me straight in the eyes. His crystal blue eyes roaming all over my body, looking for something "poor girl, I was surprise to be sent to kill a defenseless girl," his hand reached out to my hair. "You have pretty hair," his voice was soft "I have a thing with girls having long straight black hair. I just don't know why...." He shook his head while looking at me under his lashes.

He stayed in the same position while petting my hair very soft like my hair was a icicle that's waiting to break offf. He suddenly until he stood up and reached his back to pull out something. Pistol. My eyes widen "please no..." I tried to move but my body decided not to move at all.

"What a shame," those were the last words that I would hear before my death or would I thought was my death.

My eyes started to open slowly to see nothing but white. "Am I in heaven?" Those were the first words when I woke up.

By the time I gained full vision, I tried my best to sit up which in fact, was hard since I literally felt something sharp going through my hands. Is this hell? I shook my head at the painful thought of that. What did I do to ever go to hell? Or...What was my previous life like? I don't remember shît at all. Not even my name, birthday, nor my age. All I remember was getting shot my a unknown man and a handsome one too.


Once I painfully sat up, I realized the sharp objects were thorns from different types of flowers that I apparently laying on. I look down to see white flowers that has red 'paint' the flowers.

I looked around the surrounding which only has four purely white walls and a white wooden door. The floor was white but was covered by the same color of 'paint' that the flowers has. Everything else seemed untouched by anything even the 'paint' that blanketed the flowers and the floor that wasn't on the walls nor the door.

There was a few minutes of silence until I heard a creaking sound from the door. A young man came into the room with khakis, button up shirt, and a lab coat like an typical scientist would wear. "Hello madam," he formally said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Well," he pushed up his glasses and looked up at me "that is a difficult question to answers, miss." Why? Is it just that hard to say a few words out of that mouth of yours, geeky scientist?

I stared at him for a couple of seconds, waiting for him to answer my question. He studied his tablet for a minute and then turned his head up at me "I'm afraid for now that I won't be able to answer any of your questions," he showed a pitiful face and quickly turning to the tablet again. "I can probably answer all of your questions after I'm finishing asking my questions," I nodded in reply. Well I'll just sit my pretty little áss here and wait for him to explain complicated things to me.

The questions were simply health related question like: "Do you feel pain," or "Are you thinking of any suicidal thoughts." I didn't know why he couldn't answer my questions until he got to the difficult ones.

"Do you remember anything before you woke up?" Silence filled in the air. Should I say yes or should I say no?

"A-a li-little bit...." I stumble on my own words. Real good me! Just stumble on my words at a rather good looking scientist right in front of me. Shut up me! Thinking like this while everything is happening at once, real mature.

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