Nalu One-shot

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Lucy woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun being as bright as ever.
She got up and stretched her limps, but a few moments later she felt an awful sensation in her stomach.
She ran into her bathroom, kneeling over her toilet as she threw up.
This has been the 4th day that this has happened.
'That's weird, I didnt feel that sick a moment ago' she thought as she sat her back up against her bathtub.
A loud banging made her jolt up to her feet.
"Lu-chan! Let's eat breakfast together!" Levy called out from behind her door.
Lucy was enlightened that her bookworm friend had come to see her this early in the morning.
Lucy ran over to the door and swung it open.
They hugged and Lucy welcomed her inside.

"I'm taking you out to breakfast!" Levy grabbed Lucy's hand and ran out of her apartment.
"Where shall we go to eat?" Levy asked as they walked through the shopping court.
"I have this weird craving for pickles...and cheese! wait no peanut butter cake!" Lucy kept thinking of foods to eat but Levy stopped in her tracks.
"Pickles? Cheese? Lucy those are some weird cravings and it's only the morning..are you okay?"
"Now that I think about it, I seem to throw up every I sick?"
Levy's eyes widened as thoughts approached her mind.
Levy grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the stone fountain and sat down.
"Lucy I'm going to ask you an important question and don't you dare lie to me!" Levy grabbed both of Lucy's hands and looked her in the eye.
"That night Natsu confessed to you..did you know..get intimate?"
Lucy's eyes widened and her face erupted in a deep crimson red.
Levy's serious face turned into a smile as she jumped up.
"Lucy! Morning sickness and weird cravings only mean one thing!"
"and what is that?" Lucy asked as she stood up.
"You're pregnant!"

Levy screamed it so loud, everyone around them stopped what they were doing and looked over.

"Levy-chan!" Lucy quickly grabbed her hand and ran off towards the guild.
Levy kept teasing Lucy on the way there.
"I hope it's a girl so I can teach it to read and write! Oh! I can help you choose a name for it! We can hold a baby shower!"
"I'm not pregnant!" Lucy entered the guild and froze when a Natsu was fighting with Gray in the middle of the guild.
Levy immediately left Lucy and ran to Natsu.
"Natsu! Lucy's Preg-"
Lucy ran over and tackled Levy to the floor.
The Celestial Mage covered Levy's mouth and dragged her to the bar, where Mira was at.
Lucy sighed and asked Mira for a glass of water.
"When are you going to tell Natsu?" Levy asked but she spoke to soon as Natsu approached behind them.
"Ask me what?" He said as he swung his arm around Lucy's neck.
Lucy panicked and jumped away from Natsu.
"Luce? What's wrong?" He tried to approach her but she backed away.
"N-nothing! Just tired that's all!" She grabbed her glass of water and jugged it down.
Natsu glared at her for quite awhile.
"W-what?" She asked, feeling uncomfortable.
"You smell weird, you smell like yourself but with a hint of something else"
Lucy's eyes widened as she took in his information.
'Could it be the baby inside me giving off a new scent? No..I'm not pregnant..but everything adds up to it..Am I really pregnant?'
She broke out of her thoughts when Mira squealed.
Lucy looked over and noticed Levy whispering to Mira.
Mira's eyes widened and Lucy knew this wasn't gonna end well.
"Lucy's Pregnant?!?!"
Mira immediately covered her mouth as Lucy's face drained.
She quickly looked over at Natsu and saw his eyes widen in shock.
The blonde immediately ran out of the guild, as fast as she could.
Lucy didn't know where
she was going but she kept running.
'Why am I so scared that Natsu found out? What if I'm not a good mother? What if Natsu leaves me because I'm going to get fat!'
She stopped running when an arm reached out and grabbed her.
"Luce! I was calling your name!" Natsu started panting as he regained his breath.
"I'm sorry"
All her emotions got to her and she bursted out in tears.
Natsu embraced her in a tight hug and whispered in her ear.
"Is it true?"
Lucy broke the hug and looked up at him.
She slowly nodded while Natsu stood there, shocked.
"Natsu, what if I'm not a good mother? What if you leave me now? What if the baby comes out weak like me-"
Natsu slammed his lips onto hers and didn't let go until they couldn't breathe anymore.
"Luce, I would never leave are my world and my joy..without you, I am nothing"
She hugged him and cried into his vest.
"I can't believe I am going to be a father" he said as Lucy looked up at him.
"Please don't set our baby on fire"
They laughed as everyone around them tried to figure out what was going on.

He chuckled slightly making Lucy confused.
"What?" She asked as he put his hand on her stomach.
"Now you've got a fire in your belly"

I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS ONE-SHOT I don't usually do one-shots but I thought why not, so here I am (-:

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