a new school

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I ran threw the hall I bumped into some one and we both fell on the floor and my books and paper went flying everywhere.
''Hey watch out.'' They said
''Sorry.'' I told them we opened are eyes and looked at each other
''Sorry I didn't mean to snap.'' He said he gathered my stuff and helped me up.
''No it was my fault.'' I told him
''What's your name?'' He asked
''Ashley. princess Ashley.'' I said
''I'm prince Ben.'' He said Ben was wearing a white shirt and jean jacked and blue pants and black tennis shoes he had blue eyes and brown hair and his skin was tan.
''Are you new here.'' He asked
''Yea I was at my old school my parents didn't like it after a month so they sent me here.'' I said he smiled
''Come on.'' He said I followed him out side to the courtyard to a table that had two other kids there a girl and a boy. The girl had short red hair and green eyes she was wearing a red dress and boots and black gloves and her skin was the color of chocolate brown. The boy on the other hand had blond hair and brown eyes he had pal skin and he was wearing a blue shirt with a black strip on it and black pants he had white shoes.
''Who's this.'' Asked the girl
''This is Ashley she's new here.'' Ben said
''Oh nice to meet you in rose, and this is frost.'' She said pointing to frost
''Nice to meet you.'' he said
''I love what your wearing.'' Said rose
I looked down I was wearing black flats and bark blue pants I had on a blue shirt with a short sleeve black jacked I had brown hair that went past my shoulders and a tiara that held back my hair and I had a small braid on the right side of my head and I habe blue eyes and tan skin.
''Thank you.'' I said me and ben sat down
''Oh no its Tarvis.'' Frost said
''Who?'' I asked
''Just don't look back and be quite.'' Ben said I nodded I saw a shadow over me.
''Look here boys a new student.'' Travis said they all laughed
''Leave us alone.'' Rose said
Travis scared her that she turned into a six inch fairy frost stared at him then frost was parellised.
''That's enof.'' Ben said getting up as rose tryed to help frost
''Oh look its prince Ben to help.'' I heard a another boy say I got up and put my hand on bens shoulder he looked at me and I nodded he sat down.
''And who are you.'' Travis asked

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