the key

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''That's good that he doesn't have you and the key.'' Whytt said
''Why.'' I asked
''Only you can open it because your the first born.'' He said
''Oh OK.'' I said rose tapped me on the shoulder I looked at her and she gave me a pink thread I put the key on it and around my neck.
''Now that he has Lena he's going to go after the enchanted academy.'' Said Ben's father
''But he can't do that with out the box right.'' I said
''That's right he can't all needs to do is open it and all the secrets about your world and about the school will be known to him and his son.'' He said
''How is that we have the schools secret's?'' I asked
''Each world has to hold other secret enchanted academy was the first thing here to help the first genrasion made by the old people how died so it hold a lot of secret's that why they gave the strongest world the first box for there world your world.'' He said I looked at Ben and he nodded I closed my eyes and touched the key with my fingers I could see the box I saw Travis and his father with a teleporter then they were gone and so was the box my vision faded and I opened my eyes.
''What did you see?'' Ben asked
''They left with the box probley to the school.'' I said
''If he's at the school then were in trouble.'' Frost said
''Everyone there.'' Rose said
''We need to go now.'' Ben said
''I agree.'' I said
''Your not coming.'' Ben said to me I looked at him in his eyes.
''What do you mean I'm not coming?'' I said he took my hands in his
''We can't rick you getting hurt.'' He said
''You can't do this. Ben I'm going with you this was all my fault.'' I said
''She's right you can't do this to her she needs to go.'' Whytt said
''No she can't the ring is gone. How do you think she will be able to befend her self.'' Ben said
''Your right Ben she can't go with you we'll keep her safe.'' Said his father I looked at the floor and started to cry.
''Promise me that all of you will be safe.'' I said Ben pulled me into a hug.
''I promise.'' He said
We walked to the court yard I was back in my small black jacket frost got out the teleporter.
''Wait.'' Ben said

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