Roc royal and Princeton *Imagine*

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*You and Princeton is laying down in the bed looking at tv and u Said*

Yn: aww I got to pick them up

Princeton: who

Yn: Jr and Jordan From Head start

Princeton: I don't like don't kids There demons

Yn: No they're not There are Angels

*he suck teeth*

Princeton: Yeah whatever

Yn: well They is staying for the weekend

*PrincetonGot up on the bed*

Yn: Where u going?

Princeton: I'm packing my clothes And moving with roc I'm coming back when thay is gone

*You stop him*

Yn: no You is going to help me whith them plezzzzzzz!!!!

Princeton: huh fine Only because you beg me and You is very sexy When you beg

Yn: awww ik Well I'm going to get dressed and pick them up You can stay here

*You got Dressed and headed out the door*

Princeton: I wonder what's roc doing I'm going to call him

*He called roc*

Roc: h...a...y what....up

Princeton: good What are the yelling in the background is you okay

Roc: no I'm watching Tanya Two brothers

Princeton: Wow There is going to be some Screaming over here too I gotta watch Y/N Two cousins

Roc: w...o..w to go no no no AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Princeton: Wow I hope I stay alive

*You came in*

Yn: Princeton,Princeton!!! come there

Princeton: aww shit Coming!!!

*He came downstairs*

Yn: Can you watch jr and Jordan I've got to go to store I'll be right back Be good

jr and Jordan: ok bye Y/N

*You head out the door*

Jordan: well well well jr wat Should we Do to Princeton today

Jr: idk Let's see

Jordan: hay Give us some Candy

Princeton: no It's too early

Jordan: Do it right now Or else

Princeton: Or else what

* jr and Jordan looked at Each other and looked at Princeton Evil like*

Princeton: put Those scissors Down Stay back no ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

* you came back From the store and u saw jr and Jordan Licking a lollipop*

Yn: hay boyz What ya been up to

jr&Jordan: Nothing

Yn: where Princeton?

jr and Jordan: he Taking a nap

yn: ok Who was the play a video game!!!

jr and Jordan: we do!!!

*Up stairs*

Princeton: what....what Happen

*Princeton Felt his hair and ran to the Bathroom*

Princeton: OH NOOOOO!!!!!

*Some of his hair was off*


Yn: What was that screaming

jr and Jordan: *Laughing* idk


awwww Poor Princeton :( Bad ass kids lol Roc and Tanya is Tomorrow

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