Chapter 6: Sunday.

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I wake up the shine of the sun beaming through my window I must have forgotten to close the curtains last night I was knackered anyway. I sit up in bed and let out a big yawn that makes my eyes water a bit, I get up from my spot on the comfy bed and I go brush my teeth in the little bathroom in my room, after I'm Done I figure i can go downstairs to make. A little something for me to eat so I Start to walk my way towards my door when all of a sudden something Flies through my window shattering it to pieces I quickly jump back onto my bed and look at the floor to see a brick with a note on it.

I again get up from my bed carefully walking to the brick and grabbing the letter opening to see the words that frighten me the most
Dearest Dakota.
I'm coming for you.

The letter causes me to get goosebumps all over my arms. I rub my arms to get the goosebumps to go away, I Then pick up the brick and take it downstairs open my front door and just set it to the side making sure it's not in the way or anything, soon after I shut the door making sure to lock it.

I go to the kitchen only to find a note from my mother saying;

        I'm out with the girls for a bit be home soon, love you.Xx

This is just great I'm home alone and some random person threw a brick through my window and I have absolutely no one to talk to, my mother has a better social life then me and it's quite upsetting actually, but who cares a social life isn't important ... To me at least but I could be lying to myself who knows.

I put the more friendly note in the trash and stick the not so friendly one in my pocket for future evidence you know if police drive by ask why my window is broken I can show them the note and the Brick, yet they would probably just say it's some teenagers playing games and quite frankly I would not be very fond of the game.

I grab the broom and head up to my room I open the door just to see River looking down on my floor, where the heck he came from I have no clue... Probably through the broken window.
"You good?" He asks still looking at the glass on my floor

"Yea I'm fine.." I answer, still suspicious on how when random events occur he pops up like a meerkat.

"Just by any chance was it a brick that flew through your window?" He questions and I'm just going to answer it honestly

"Yea... With a note too" once I say note he looks my way "where's the note?" I take the note out of my pocket and hand it to him. He opens it and while reading it his jaw clenches.

"Fuck!" He says almost screaming it and I take a step back he looks angry and I'm not trying to get hit at all.
River looks at me and his face softens
"Do you need help cleaning this up?.." He asks and I nod. Next thing I know he's picking up the pieces of glasses with his bare hands.

"River, your going to cut your hand doing that"

He just shrugs and picks up the rest of the pieces grabbing a random towel in my room thank Jesus it wasn't my favourite one and putting each piece in the towel then wrapping it up and throwing it into the mini trash can I have in my room, look's like I didn't need this broom after all.

"I'm going to go put the broom back" I say after the moment of silence we were in.

"Alright I'll just follow you, i doubt you want me in your room" he says stating a very true statement. I make my way out of my room and downstairs with River following me, I put the broom back where i got it from and return to the kitchen to see River sitting on the island with his head down, I walk over to where the chairs aren't at and just observe Him, River has brown hair that you can sometimes mistaken for black if you really looked at it, his skin is tan it's an even tan I must confess, he has black gauges pretty good size if I do say so myself and he's sort of muscular. It's Amazing how many things I can point out even through I can't see his entire face.

"Darlin" River says snapping me out of my thoughts
"You like Vinyls right?"
"Yea I adore them" I do adore them
"Would you like to take a little trip with me?" River asks and I actually am considering going on a Mini trip with him.

"Mini trip meaning we will be back in time for school right?" You know I live for school that isn't even a question.. I'm a weirdo.

River chuckles and picks his head up "yes we will be back in time for you to get your sleep and be on time for school tomorrow" he assures me, and I nod
"I'm going to go change then" I say and I start heading upstairs.

"You looked absolutely fine with what your wearing Darlin!" River shouts as I walk up the steps

"Still not going out like this!" I shout back and go to my room to quickly to throw on a pair of dark blue skinnies and and a black long sleeve with the same Harry Styles boots from yesterday.. They are comfy.

I walk back downstairs and see River checking out a picture on the wall, I walk up next to him and see that it's a picture of my mother my father and me.

"That's my mother, my father, and me" I say and he nods "where is he?" that question makes me think since I haven't seen him since well Friday,
"I don't really know... Mum told him to leave Friday haven't seen him since" I answer truthfully.

"Hm... What did he do... If it's alright to ask" River says, and I just look at the picture "Honestly it's not important lets go shall we" I say and smile towards him.
River's Point Of View.

She smiles at me but you can see the pain in her eyes. Her huge beautiful eyes god they are so blue I could just get lost in them... What the fuck am I saying.

"It's Fine Darlin lets go you look like you need cheering up anyway" I say and walk outside with her following behind me, I hear her lock the door of her house while I go and get into my black Range Rover, Cliché right. Right after I get in Darlin gets in.. Darlin God she fits the Pet name so well I know she hates it but I love calling her it.. What the fuck I'm going insane Jesus.

"Ready?" I ask and she's nods her head

With that I start to drive and I also turn on my radio and the song 'My Way' comes on and I immediately see Darlin cringe.

"You don't listen to this kind of music do you Darlin" I chuckle

"Nope not at all" she answers her nose all scrunched up her adorable little frown on... For fucks sake what the hell is going on with Me.

|| Hello there what is this double Update?, yup!, Chapter 7 coming soon!.||

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