Shes worse than smelly llama spit

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Second part of my entry to 1dream41d

After dinner and the swim. I had the idea to introduce my parents to Shi's mom. They've met Shi plenty of times, but if they met her mom maybe they'd gain a new friend. That'd be awesome.

"MOM, DAD ME AND SHI HAVE A SUPRISE" I yelled up the stairs of our house.


"Seriously though, what's the surprise?" Dad questions walking down the stairs with Hunter on his hip and mom holding his hand.

"Well Shi's mom is home and I thought it'd be good to have you guys meet her. Maybe make a new friend." I smiled. "So she invited us to dinner." I spoke proudly, I actually impressed her mom, and I loved being liked.

"Oh yea that sounds fine. I'll see if Lou and Amy will watch the kids." Mom said.

"Why cant Kara?"

"I thought she could come with since she's your twin." Oh ok

"Uhm, if auntie Amy is gonna be here I'm staying. I don't need to meet the parents." Kara loves Amy, they're like bffs I swear.

*at Shi's front door*

"Ok mom, I know how you get sometimes. But her mom isn't loud and crazy, she's more calm and collected so don't scare her off okay." I asked nicely. I don't want this ruined.

"Yeah, yeah, okay." I sighed, let's hope for the best. We all walked in and I led my parents to the couch.

"Mom, me and Damien's family are here. Are you ready?" She called down the hall.

"Wow getting ready while her guests are already here. Rude." Mom whispered. I gave her a "you promised" look and she gave me the "ok sorry" hands. Then out came Shi's mom.

"Oh hello. Mom this is..." Before I could finish I heard dad gasp and saw his eyes go wide. And my mom scream.

"Alessandra!!" Oh gosh.

"Shauna." Alessandra said calmly.

"You know each other?" I asked.

"She's the girl who stole the llamas and was evil to me and all your aunties during the games." My mom yelled, while dad had a hold of her shoulders holding her back.

I knew I knew that name.
"Mom that was a long time ago, she doesn't seem bad at all" I said.

"She never does, she always seems so nice and innocent but she is worse than smelly llama spit!!" She screamed lunging forward again.

"No way is your daughter dating my son." I turned sharply. WHAT!

"Sweetie, that's a bit extreme" dad said to her, still holding her arms and shoulders.

"No it isn't she's probably part of the evil witch's plan."


"Shauna, look I'm really sorry about before. I was young and stupid. But when I had Shianna I straightened out. The reason I'm never home is because I'm in the support system to help me deal with my anger and I'm in rehab for my alcoholism. But I haven't yelled, hurt, stole anything from, or sabotaged anyone for months now. I'm better. I just met your son, and didn't even realize he was your son, and he's a very well boy, and he makes my daughter happy. And my daughter makes him happy and that's all that should matter. They love each other. It's obvious. I'm sorry for before but that's the past. So friends?" Alessandra spoke calmly and my mom stopped fighting my dad. Well she was right this had to do with me and Shi and we love each other that's all that should matter.

"Well poo, never thought I'd say this but, you're right Alessandra. It's about the kids and they're super happy together. So yea friends." Wow my mom is agreeing with her enemy for my happiness. I really do have the best family ever. And now were all friends Alessandra included. I know, very very unexpected.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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