Her Name

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Over the next week the weather cleared up a lot. By the next time I saw her there were patches of blue peeking gently through the clouds. I was still thinking about her constantly, no matter what I tried I couldn't get her off my mind. I didn't see her until the next Monday, and once again I didn't notice her right away. This time it was because I was so busy taking orders, and my moron of a partner had just gone on a break right at the peak of morning rush hour.

"Busy day today?" the words floated across the noise and heat of the room to my ears. I nearly spilled the coffee in my hands hearing it, and realizing who it was.

"Oh, yes actually. A very busy one." I replied composing myself as quickly as I could. I handed over the order I had just completed to an older lady without really paying much attention. I was more preoccupied with her, the girl I had been thinking about all week.

"What can I get you today?" I asked. Her green eyes looked me up and down as she replied.

"Well... I wouldn't mind a medium vanilla steamed milk if you can make one."

"I can actually, we just got a new machine." I said turning to make it. I needed to get her number, or at the very least her name. I needed something to say, and I needed it fast. Unfortunately my brain was failing me. I had never been good with words, and now was not one of the times where I managed something.

"Here it is. One medium vanilla steamed milk." I said handing the cup over to her. I knew I couldn't let her slip through my fingers again. As she handed over her change I panicked and said something awkward, stupid, and quite like me.

"That's not enough I'm afraid..." she looked at me confused, one eyebrow raised. Considering she had given me five dollars for a three dollar order.

"I'm also going to need your number" I said, and she burst out laughing.

"Haven't heard that one before. Sure might as well. You're hot. I'll write it down if you have a paper on you." Thankfully I did for the orders if they stacked up and another person was working the back with me. I handed them over and she quickly wrote down her name. Emily written in a fine cursive followed by a string of numbers. She game me a smile and turned for the door without another word.

I can only imagine how profusely I blushed as I watched her disappear out the door and into the same silver car as before. I stood there for a second holding the paper in a little bit of shock, before I was interrupted by the ding of the bell signaling that yet another customer was on there way in and I needed to return to my work.

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