Face of porcelain

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September 23rd 2013. It was going to be a fun night out, an evening to get away from everything and just let loose. There would be no aggravation, no fighting, no stress. Just a party where everyone could be themselves, they wouldn't need to hide their feelings because no one would be see their face. It was a masquerade. One that was held every year in celebration of the couple who owned the mansion that hosted the party.

Max had been working all morning, staring at the clock over his desk with a determined expression. He couldn't wait to get out of the stuffy office and escape the nagging of his boss and fellow employees. The time was ticking ever closer to when he would be able to strip off the stuffy suit and fit into something more comfortable. He longed to feel the sleek cool porcelain mask upon his face.

Two hours later, his phone buzzed in his pocket and Max was out the door like a bolt of lighting. He didn't bother with the pleasantries nor did he care about conversing with his coworkers. No, he could hardly stand that job and being there after hours was not something that excited the man.

He practically jogged up the stairs to his shoddy apartment, ignoring his cranky landlady as he passed her by and jammed the key into the lock. Once Max was inside, He made his way to his bedroom and threw open the closet door. It took a bit of sifting around but he finally came to a large suitcase that he had hidden way at the back.

Inside was the freedom that he had been longing for all year. A white mask was lying on top of a pile of clothes with a single rose trapped inside a long glass vial. The mask was a glossy white with black and red splatters around the eyes like crimson tears. The forehead area had a large red gem in the shape of a diamond on it. The markings of the harlequin.

Max took the mask in his hand, savouring the feeling before placing it delicately on his bed to unfold the outfit he had prepared a couple of months ago in advance. A matching pair of black slacks and shoes with red laces. To finish the look, he had a long dark tie to stand out against the crimson dress shirt. He glanced at the digital clock on his dresser, the red numbers indicating that it was almost nine. That left him less then a half hour to get there on time. He didn't want to miss the opening ceremony. It took place at 9:30.

He ran a razor quickly across his face, trimming his beard nicely. He squeezed some gel onto his fingers and rubbed it into the strands of hair before brushed it back. The front of his bangs still stuck up defiantly when he removed the comb and Max found himself just shrugging. "Eh, close enough."

Dressing took a few more minutes and by the time he got out the door it was 9:20. He hopped down the stairs, passing his landlady again before exiting onto the street. The traffic had thinned out since everyone was either at home or work now and he had to wait a while before he could flag down a taxi.

The ride took too long despite Maxs indications to the driver that he was late. He scrunched his nose trying to ignore the mans severe body odour and was all to happy to hop out of the backseat when the car pulled up to the mansion. He threw a twenty through the window, not caring about the change as he turned to make his way up the marble steps. Max pulled the mask that he had been hiding under his jacket out and slipped it on, tying the ribbon tightly behind his head.

Within two steps away, the door opened and there stood a tall, slim gentleman wearing a back mask with bright red lipstick stains across the front.

"Welcome, Harlequin." The man bowed curtly and held the door open for him to enter. "Are you here to add to the bouquet?"

"Of course, Conman." Max replied with a smile on his face.

That was a code of sorts that the members used. It was put in place to help identify the partygoers from the people who came to ruin the party. Max produced the rose from his jacket pocket. It was still inside the glass vial and he delicately handed it to the doorman, who took it with great care.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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