Ever since I learned the power of language I have been creating worlds and birthing characters. My imagination is vast and my fingers dance across my keyboard. Words flow from my brain like a dream and spread upon my page like a spider web, ensnaring all those who come too close. My realm is anything and everything I want it to be and more. It is an endless ocean, a vast dessert, a forgotten city of ruins and as we delve deep into the archives we find the scattered tomes holding worlds of their own. 

Brush off the layers of dust and open the cover and you will see gods of old watching down on the less fortunate, a war ravaged land, heroes fighting for justice and peace and tall castles extending to the very heavens. From great expanses of glassed sand that go on forever to ocean as deep as lifes very meaning. Forests, dense with flora of every shape and colour. Great ships soar and angels glide upon the very winds overhead as weavers such as us continue to shape the worlds around us. After all, nothing is impossible when you have this gift.

With a mind filled with unspoken words, undreamt colors and never before seen creatures, the possiblities are endless. This gift, now passed to you with the heavy weight of the tome in your hands. The world is yours to shape and do with what you will. Never will anyone tell you 'no', the ink will never dry up and the dream will never end.

So pull up a chair, a rock, a frozen stump or a fallen enemy and take a seat upon the freshly fallen snow or luscious leaves of the twilight forest. Wrap yourself in the cloak given to you as a child or warm up with the great flames you manipulate in your hand. Take the gift granted and hold it close, treasure it, cherish it. For it is yours, let no one tell you different.

Now, will you honor me with a tale? One of good and evil, of magic or technology? Will there be warriors and heroes? Light and dark? How will it begin? Something simple perhaps. Maybe-

"Once upon a time.."
  • "Outsider's crooked cock!"
  • SumaliDecember 10, 2013

Huling Mensahe
FawkesPryde FawkesPryde Nov 27, 2017 06:46AM
Returned to Wattpad to find 99+ notifications and so many wonderful messages. Suffice to say, I have quite a bit of reading to catch up on. Oh my... (*~*)/)
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