Chapter 11-

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After a lot of running and me stopping for a few times, because I can not breath properly I finally manage to get to the bakery. Something weird immediately catches my eye when I arrive. The sign which says open is turned to close. However I did not change it. 

It gives me a bad feeling so I rush inside and look for Nancy. As well I keep in eye on something that seems out of place. But so far there is nothing and I go to the kitchen where I left her. She is still lying on the ground unconscious and I get worried. 

"Nancy, please wake up!"

I shake her body, though there is no response. She is quiet to quiet in my opinion and panic starts to rise in me. I try to feel her pulse. First there is nothing but then I feel it. I exhale in relief and some of the panic vanishes. Though why isn't she waking up then?

"Nancy," I try again to wake her up. But she doesn't react at all. My voice gets louder with each time I call out her name. By now I'm screaming.

"Nancy please wake up!" 

I only stop when I hear Lily calling out my name. A second later she appears in the kitchen. When she sees the tears that are streaming down my face and Nancy she acts fast and calls an ambulance.

Everything that happens afterwards pass by without me really noticing. I'm numb and the only think I register is when the paramedics appears and takes Nancy to the next hospital. It is the one Lily is working at and of course we follow them.

Three hours later we still sit in the waiting room. I at the far corner with a coffee in my hands. The guilt is nagging on my mind and I can't really concentrate.

Why am I so careless. I should have never left her in the first place. And I can't do anything to help her now.

Lily, who is either standing or walking through the waiting room seems to notice that something is wrong with me. She walks towards me and puts one hand on my knee.

"Hey, she will be fine and this is not your fault. You couldn't do anything to help her," she tries to convince me, but her words only make me feel worse, because she is wrong.

"Celia, Nancy is not in her twenties anymore, it is possible for her to have a heart attack."

A heart attack,I think. This is what a nurse told us. But I'm not convinced about that. I know what happened and saw how she acted.

Lily tries to hide her insecurities, but I see through her. The smile doesn't reach her eyes and she is constantly biting her lip. 

Nobody is sure if Nancy will survive this day and I can't tell them the truth. None of them would believe me. So the only thing I can do is to wait and pray that the woman, who is like my grandmother will be fine.

Another our passes by and finally a nurse appears. With a sympathetic smile she waves us over and we follow her out of the room.

"Nancy's state is stable," the nurse tells us and I can't suppress how happy I'am. Lily is relieved as well. She doesn't squeezes my hand with full force anymore.

"However," the nurse continues,"She is not awake and we had to put her in a artificial come."

"Artificial coma," Lily croaks out and I glance at her, seeing her heartbroken expression.

"Yes, but we are positive that she will wake up soon," the nurse tries to cheer us up, with no success.

"Can we see her?" I ask. 

The nurse frowns at us for a moment, she knows we are not related to Nancy.

"We are the only family she has, even if we are not related to her," I explain.

The woman thinks about it for a few seconds until she tells us that she will take us to Nancy in a second. When she disappears Lily embraces me in a tight hug. Her head is on my shoulder and she doesn't let go for a few minutes. I'm not the only one, who sees Nancy as part of the family. She has always been there for both of us.

"She is going to be fine," my aunt mumbles into my shoulder again and again, stroking my hair with her hands. But I'm not sure if she is really talking to me or if she wants to convince herself.

After a while the same nurse takes us like she promised to Nancy. Lily is the first one by her side and takes her hand carefully, squeezing it lightly. I never saw her so vulnerable before and it breaks my heart.

For a moment I'm frozen, I can't move from my spot next to the door frame. I can only look at Nancy. Her body is plugged onto different tubes and electrical appliances. Her eyes are closed and her breath is steady. She looks like she is sleeping, but I know better. After a while I move towards them and place myself on a free available chair next to her bed. I take her other hand.It feels cold and I try not to cry again. I don't want Lily to see it.

We stay as long as possible and until they tell us to visit her the next day again.

This night I can't sleep well. Lily is the same and the next morning she has big circles under her eyes. She tries to cover it with makeup, but it doesn't work out. She tries to act happy, but that doesn't work either.

When we arrive at the hospital we do the same thing again. We hold her hand and try talking to her. Eventually Lily talks about my childhood and the days in which Nancy and I baked for a whole day. I smile at the memories and remain silent next to her. I listen to Lily talking about the past, until someone appears next to the door frame.

Lily don't notices him, because she is still facing Nancy. At first I'm not sure if I see right. Maybe it is the lack of sleep. I rub at my eyes, but Reece is still there. I frown at that. Why is he here?

He catches my eyes and with a head motion he wants me to follow him outside. Then he turns around and leaves. I glance at my aunt, who is still talking to Nancy.

"I'm going to get some fresh air," I tell her and she nods, but doesn't look up.

Outside I meet Reece, with his hands in his pockets. He is wearing some dark washed jeans and a white T-shirt.

"You look like shit," he tells me. He never sugar coats his words. But I already know that.

"Thanks," I mumble. Reece frowns at my answer, he probably expected something more witty. But I'm not in the mood for that.

"She will be fine," he says and lifts up my chin with his finger so I can look into his eyes.

He says it to make me feel better, but it has the opposite effect. Why is he so calm? He knows nothing.

"What do you even know. She is in a come and this is my fault. I should have stayed with her and call an ambulance the time she got unconscious. But instead I went with you."

My voice trembles and for the second time I cry. The tears are streaming down my face and I feel like the guild is weighing me down. I'm furious and I can't bring myself not to hate me.

Reece eyes widen at this sight of me and he does something which surprises me more than anything. He hugs me tightly and tries to comfort me.

This was a more serious and sad chapter. Nevertheless I hope you like it. Reece and Celia are hugging each other, what do you think about that? Leave a comment and please vote

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