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after a few more blast i had finally gotten away from walker and was standing by dannys side.

"ah ghost boy trying to protect your little girlfriend?" walker joked

"he/she isnt my boyfriend/girlfriend." me and danny said.

"whatever you guys say" he laughed "guards!" he yelled and 4 ghost guards came after us. we split up,two came after me and the other two went after danny.

"i was going after danny phantom, but maybe i can use you to get him to come to me" walker said as i got blasted into his arms by one of his guards.

"you wont win danny is smart and wont fall for your trap" i said glaring at him.

"oh dont worry if he wants to see his girlfriend again he will come" walker laughed

"let go of me" i yelled.

"not until lover boy comes to save you" he said and in a flash i was in what looked like a jail cell.

"we arent dating hes just my friend" i mumbled "where am i?" i asked looking around

"you are in the ghost zone jail" walker said walking into the room " oh and just so you know in this cell you cant change back into your human form i wanted to make sure you wouldnt escape." he laughed

"what did i ever do to you" i asked

"you are helping the ghost boy who is a fugitive.... and thats against the rules" he finished with a creepy smile. i tried to go back into my human form but when i tried i got shocked by a blast of electricity...great *note sarcasm*

"once ghost boy comes to save you i will capture him and then i will have both of you locked up for good" he laughed

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