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              When I got to the bubble tea shop that I remembered was in town, I ordered a coconut and passion fruit tea and sat down, waiting for the tea to be ready. After about 5 minutes of waiting, the tea was ready. I grabbed it and sat down, planning to read the book I had brought with me for my AP Lit course. Just as I opened the book, a guy sat down across from me. I looked up. Not 1 guy but 3! One of them was on his phone not really remembering they sat down at MY table. The other two were both sipping their tea. One put their cup down on MY table.

"You don't mind us sitting here right? The cafe is full and we recognize you from the hotel."

Yes I fûcking mind. Leave.

"No, no! Its fine please make yourself comfortable." I smiled sweetly at him.

"Thanks, My names Kyungsoo by the way but my friends call me D.o and this is Minseok or Xiumin and Luhan. Xiumin smiled but continued to drink his tea and Luhan glanced over for a second before returning to his phone.

"Uhh, I'm Nari, Nari Min."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" D.o flirted, earning him a sigh from Xiumin and an eye roll from me.

"Well if you don't mind, I'm gonna continue studying." I tried to save myself from more conversing with this guy.

"What if I do mind...?" He retorts awkwardly, smirking like the asshole he is.

"Well, that's just too bad, because I couldn't give less of a shit what you think." I stated with a smile, turning back to my textbook.

I could hear Luhan behind the phone snickering. D.o turned to him.

"Like you could do better Luhan!" He glares

"I can. Its just that I don't go secretly flirting to every girl I see."

"Yah! I don't even do that!"

"Uhh Ye-"

"Guys just stop! There are fans here you know how much trouble we will get in with SM if we get caught screaming at each other like this."

"Ahem" I cleared my throat

"Yea I'm still here you know."

"Sorry. Honestly D.o isn't always like this he's just tired from working all day."

Luhan scoffed but didn't look away from his phone. At this point the shop was clearing out and I figured these guys weren't even close to done with their teas so I packed all my things in my bag and headed out the door not bothering to look back at the three.

-------(D.o's POV)-------

Well, if she wanted to play hard to get, I guess I would have to work harder to get her. Maybe I could invite her over later to hang out with all of the boys so she could meet them all. I'm sure they'd love to meet her, and she'd like to figure out all of their names. Yeah, I'll do that.

I decided to drag the boys back to the hotel so I could ask if she wanted to come over. I'm surprised with myself honestly. I usually try not standing out and just go with everyone else but this girl just caught my eye. I want to try and help her so I can be on her good side like Luhan and Minseok. I place the key-card in the slot and open the door. As soon as we get in Luhan being the person he is goes up to all the members.

"D.o has a crush on Bubble Tea girl! D.o has a crush on Bubble Tea girl!" He screamed.

"I do not..!" I walked behind his hitting the back of his head.

"Yah! You hit my head!" He yells holding the back of his head.

"And she has a name Nari! If your going to hang around me stop picking on me for liking a girl. It's not like you haven't had a crush before! Its stupid anyways I'm already over her so lay off!" I yelled. The member all looked at me like I was crazy or something.

"I'm making dinner." I huffed going into the kitchen, forgetting to ask if she could come over tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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