Two: Hugo/ Cameron

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"Stevens, why is there a screaming baby on your book bag?" Glancing up at his coach, Hugo sighed while looking over to see the baby screaming.

"Ms. Lily gave it to us, my partner is at practice."

He watched as his coach raised an eyebrow while looking down at the baby. "Practice? Who's your partner?"

"Cameron Yeager."

"Is that the really tall baseball player?" One of his teammates asked while everyone started silently talking to themselves.

After pinning someone to the ground beneath him Hugo breathed heavily while saying, "Yes."

"So you guys have a baby together huh. Does that mean you're his boyfriend or something?"

"Maybe they got married!"

Rolling his eyes Hugo angrily stood up while walking over to the baby. Throwing a bottle into the annoying baby's mouth, he tried to tune out the chatter from his fellow teammates. "I hear that guy is pretty weird."

"He's a good pitcher though."

"Doesn't rule out the fact that he's a fucking weirdo."

Looking up at all his friends faces, Hugo felt himself starting to get mad. Looking at Perry, he saw his best friend frowning, not laughing with everyone else.

"He's not a fucking weirdo," Hugo said while throwing the fake bottle into his bag while the baby finally was quiet.

"Aw look at that, he's defending his boyfriend!"

When Hugo went to lung at his teammate, he was held back by Perry. Everyone was shouting at each other while their coach was trying to get them all to quiet down. "Enough!" Coach Sanders yelled. "That's it for today."

Shoving Perry's arms off of him, Hugo put a sweatshirt on before angrily walking out of the room. He couldn't believe that everyone was bashing Cameron like that, when they didn't even know him. What am I thinking, I don't even know him, he thought while angrily walking out of the gym. Shoving his headphones into his ears he started walking to the baseball fields, ignoring everyone who tried to smile at him.

Once he arrived at the baseball diamonds his eyes scanned the players before seeing Cameron at the pitchers mound. His curly hair was sticking out from underneath his baseball cap while he threw an insanely fast pitch. Hugo had always been envious of baseball and basketball players, mainly because they were usually very tall. Being a wrestler, he wasn't very gifted in the height department.

Sitting down on one of the bleachers he continued to watch their practice, finding himself smirking when Cameron started doing a happy little dance when he struck five people out in a row. All of his teammates came up to the mound and started high fiving and patting him on the back. Walking up to the fence Hugo continued to watch everyone smile and happily talk to each other.

When Hugo tried to get his partner's attention he found it quite difficult. Everyone and their mother were calling his name, making Hugo become more upset. When he couldn't take it anymore he yelled, "Cam!"

That got the tall pitcher's attention, making him turn towards him with wide eyes. Hugo watched as Cameron started walking over to him, standing right in front of him on the other side of the chain fence. "Sorry, I didn't see you," Cameron said while wiping his sweaty face with his sleeve.

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