Chapter Two

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I pulled on my hood and walked down the street of my once beautiful kingdom "Hey,watch it" I feel to the floor and shook my head "I'm terribly sorry,I'm clumsy" the women looked at me with dangerous eyes and scoffed "Your Highness" she bowed as I shook my head "For today,no," I looked her over,unable to avoid noticing her beauty "Well I'm Auggie,not that you care" I sighed and nodded my head "Yes well, Auggie?...I wish you well" I pushed past her and went into the market to collect my things


I stood thinking about Auggie's features. Her golden brown hair and demanding green eyes,it was evident she had brainwashed me. I cleaned the counter another time,before putting the leftover food into the stove "Cindy!" I jumped at Charming's voice and cleared my throat "In the kitchen" he stormed in with a smile on his face and leaned on the counter "I have wonderful news" I smiled at the fact that he didn't sound drunk and nodded "Well ? He walked over to me and took my hands in his "I found a way for us to make money" I looked to the door and frowned as Kyle Kingson (Beast,from Beauty And The Beast) walked in "You" Charming pushed me against the fridge and ripped my shirt "Charming ,please" I pushed against him,earning a hit to my torso "You're useless for everything else" I sobbed and pushed against him again "I'm your wife" he slapped me to the ground and spit on me "You're nothing " he took money from Kyle and looked back at me "Do your worst" I tried to stand up,getting kicked back down by Beast "I've always wanted you Cindy" I cringed at the venom in his voice and struggled against his hands "Stay still" he growled ,pushing me against the floor. I banged my head sending me into unconsciousness


I cringed at the pain shooting up my stomach and sat up "Where am I?" Taking in my scenery ,I realized I was in Elisa's room. I groaned at the pain running through me and ran to the bathroom. I released my sick and fell back onto the floor "Oh,you're awake" I looked over at Charming ,causing the memory of last night to ring through my head "You'd think me dead ,no" I stood up and walked to the sink with a limp "Cindy" I shook my head and looked at him with my purple eye "There's no apologizing after that one..the blows ,I can take...but yesterday" I let my tears fall and jumped as he pulled me into a hug "I was drunk,I'm gonna get better" I nodded and squeezed out of his hold "Okay Charming" I walked into our bedroom and took out my yellow sun dress "I'm going out with Snow " he nodded and pulled me into his arms "You forgive me" I nodded ,knowing it a lie and walked back to the bathroom Never again

Grabbing my coat off the passenger seat I walked into the cafe and waved at Snow "Hey black and blue love,what the fuck Cin?" Snow took my hand and sat me across from her "Hey Snow,I just fell into the fridge" she poked my face and sighed "And you hit you eye" I started crying at her soft tone and shook my head "I'm so stupid,how could Iet him do that" she moved her seat over and pulled me into a hug "You need to go home and--"


I looked at Belle and immediately felt like crying again. She sat down and sighed at my face "Oh Cin....You fell again ,see my Kyle would never hurt me like that,he is just amazing" I pushed away from the table and slapped her across the face "Yeah well your beasty hasn't changed at all,he's a fucking animal" I grabbed my purse and stomped out of the store ,letting the tears blind my vision. I got into my car and wiped my face I won't let him anymore

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I walked into the house and smiled at the silence. Just get some clothes for you and Elisa and get out. I ran up the stairs and rushed into my room "Oh my god" I stood shocked at the scene and tried to understand what was going on "Cindy,you're suppose to be with Snow" I looked at the girl and immediately recognised her as the weekend maid Mary "You know you're fired right" she nodded and picked up her dress "NO" I snatched the cloth from her and pointed to the door "Show everyone that you're a rotten harlet " she looked at Charming shocked and back at me "No,better yet,GUARDS" she jumped and picked up her panties "Yes your highness" I pointed to the maid and handed them the rags " Take her to the Dungeon ...I want her executed" she started to cry as the guards grabbed her and dragged her down the stairs "How cliche" I scoffed and walked over to my drawer "What are you doing" I ignored him and took all my clothes out of the drawer "I'm leaving you Charming" I collected my underwear and jumped as I felt a yank on my arm "You're not stupid,you know I was fooling around" I pulled my arm away and stared at him "You must be stupid if you actually think that's the only reason I'm leaving you" I shook my head and threw the rest of my belongings in my bag "You can't leave...I won't allow it" I screamed as he grabbed a fist full of my hair,the guards had been told by Charming not to come,no matter what they heard...wr hired some amazing guards "Let me go Charming" he punched me multiple times and threw me on the ground "You aren't allowed to leave" I jumped up as fast as I could and ran down the stairs and out of the house "CINDERELLA!!" I kept running through the woods until I felt the sick raising in my stomach again,I knew it was from the realization of what had just actually happened "I just abandoned my kingdom" I feel to the floor and looked at the sky,confused as to how it managed to get dark. I heard rustling in the trees,immediately making me afraid,everyone in our kingdom hates us,and would gladly kill us if givin a chance. I laid on the floor and let the darkness consume me,in hope of not waking up

A Different Ever After ( A Cinderella Story) (Lesbian) (Cara Delevingne Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now