Chapter 2- Hunter

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Chapter 2: Hunter

I was pleasantly surprised that Kenna hasn't run away screaming yet. That's always promising.

She was incredibly quiet and wary. After the third time I caught her staring at me out of the corner of her eye, I had snapped at her, "I know I am stunningly attractive, but stop looking at me like that. I'm not going to knock you out and drag you into a dark alley." It was probably a bit harsh, but at least she quit the staring.

Another thing I noticed was that she was very observant. Her eyes were flitting around, and she was leaning slightly on her toes.

By the looks of it, she was most likely a Healer. She was small, like a bird, almost childlike in stature. But she held her back straight and strong, and didn't tuck her chin.

We made it about three miles before she started asking questions, which had to be a new record. And it wasn't rapidfire questions and answer. She spoke very simply, in a low voice. "What's your name?"

Wasn't the usual first question people asked.

"Hunter," I replied back. I glanced back and forth before motioning for her to cross the street after me. We hurried across.

"No last name?"


Which was true. Most of us didn't have last names. Some of us gave ourselves last names, a select few took the names of their foster parents if they were lucky enough to have good ones, but most just go without.

There was a good ten minute silence when neither if us spoke. The only sounds were our feet hitting the pavement, our breathing, and the thump of her bag hitting her hip every step she took. Finally, she asked, "Where, exactly, are you taking me?"

"Technically, I'm not taking you anywhere. You could walk away right now. But you wouldn't, of course, because that would just be a pain in the butt to track you down again. And anyways, the better question is why did you even come with me?"

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. I didn't think she was going to answer at first, but then her eyebrows drew together. "Did you just answer my question with a question?"

"Basically," I answered, having a bit too much fun with this conversation. "But you know you're going to answer anyway so you might as well talk now."


"Just give it a few minutes. Soon enough you'll get a better look at my face, and you'll be tripping over yourself to tell me everything."

"I've gotten a good look at you and I still don't feel like telling you anything."

"You're just in shock from my shining good looks and stunning charm and wit."

"You're not that good looking."

I pretended to be hurt. "How cruel of you. What has the world come to? Strangers going around denying what it plainly in front of them just to crush another person's hopes, what is next?"

She gave me a level glare. "Just tell me what you want from me."

"I don't think that was the original question."

"Fine! Where are you taking me?"

"I thought we already went through the whole deal that I'm not actually 'taking' you anywhere."

I could tell she was getting annoyed. Her fists were clenching and unclenching by her sides and she was taking deep breaths as to control herself.

"I'll tell you what." I muttered to her. "You answer my question, and as soon as we bunk down for the night, I'll answer any questions I can."

She nodded. It was almost disconcerting how easily she took my word. If she kept that personality, she wouldn't last long against Darks. "I was planning on running away from school anyway. It would've been my eighth time running away. I figured what was the difference if I followed you? My life is a living hell. I could either stay at that goddamned school, run away and eventually get caught, or go with you and possibly be murdered. I didn't have anything to lose."

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