My Brother's BestFriend

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^_^  Read my story , This is my first long story ... Very NakakaTouch tlaga ...<3

"Sam do you want to come play some football with me Ian and Mark?" My bother Josh said. I could tell he didn't really want me to, but my mom always made him ask. Of course I wanted to play with my brother, he was the only one who would really tackle me. Well if he could catch me. Thats one of the main reasons I loved playing with him and his friends, I would make all the touchdowns because I was so fast. Ian and Mark would laugh at Josh for me beating him and they would want me on there team. I never thought of Mark and Ian as anything more the my brothers friends. Mark was Africa american at least six foot four and had big brown eyes. Ian on the other hand had slightly curly blonde hair, beautiful green eyes and had strong muscular arms. Again all they were to me were my brothers friends like big brothers to me as if I needed any more they came over every day and slept over each others houses every weekend. If I even thought about liking either of them, my bothers would make sure it didn't happen. What am I even saying what is the chances of them falling in love with there best friends sister?

It was a warm, breezy summer day and I was just finishing my shower when Josh,Ian,and Mark walked in the house from the pool. Josh had a bucket full of water and some sort of animal in it.They always put what every they catch in the bath tub the one that I'm in right now. My mom Josh and I live in a small apartment with one bathroom and I knew they would go straight there. All three boys were at the door getting ready to open it when thankfully I heard my mom say that she got pizza for lunch. Of course they would go running they are teenage boys there always hungry. I finally could hold my towel right on my body and got some basketball shorts on and a t-shirt.My mom called from the kitchen "Come and eat Sam". "One sec" I yelled back to my mom.I looked in the mirror thinking about what I would look like if I put on layers of make up and put on some jean short shorts on like all the other girls my age wear. Even if I wanted to I know Josh would just make fun of me. I put my hair in a high pony tail to show off my face and walked to the kitchen. I looked at the three boys all sitting next to each other joking around. They were all shirtless with there wet swim shorts on. My mom went over to give Ian and Mark some more fruit punch. "Thanks Mrs.Wilkins" they said at the same time. I went and sat down when my mom gave me a couple pieces of pizza. "What did you guys catch today" I said looking at Mark and Ian because I knew Josh would just glare at me. "We got two turtles and one frog" Mark said. "We have the bathroom for today and our room " Josh said rudely. "Okay but stay out of my stuff" I said looking at Mark. They all laughed but it wasn't even that funny. I just played along and laughed too. After lunch all the boys went down stairs and I stayed up stairs to help my mom with the dishes. My mother had long brown hair and big brown eyes. She is probably the most down to earth person I have ever met.We talked about me going to high school and what books I'm reading and stuff like that. She would wash the dishes and I would dry them I started one big pot and as I was putting it away the dish towel dropped. I swung around to and threw it to the hamper. But instead of it going into the hamper it was in Ian's hand he was about 2 feet away from me.He just stood there staring at me.I did the same thing. That's when I gave the time to actually look at all his beautiful features His curly blonde hair, big green eyes, small pointed nose, a half smile that would make any girl fall for him,large muscular arms and chest. He had blue swim shorts that made his legs look longer. I saw my mom looking at us confused when I finally got out of my gaze. he was still staring at me still as a rock. I turned away and stared to wash dishes by that time he went back to my room . "Crap" i thought to my self because i had to go to my bathroom where they were and get a new towel.I stared to walk to my room and I could feel the tension in the room. Ian didn't make any eye contact with me and I didn't either. I got the towel and walked back to the kitchen about half way there i heard Josh whisper "Whats up with you two"?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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