Did I just die?

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Dear readers,
I'm updating the chapters
If you have any feedback on anything about the story, I would be greatful if you would comment on the parts you'd wish me to lookover.
Thank you and enjoy the story.❤
One day I was looking online for a school to go to since I moved... again. Oh, and I should mention that I live alone. I've lived alone for a while now since my parents were never there.

I was looking for some good reviews on a school to go to, but they all had good reviews, probably so they could have more students. So, as I was passing through sites, I found a school that had no reviews. To me it was weird and sketchy, so that means its not going to be the best school to go to. I've been searching for hours but I haven't found the right school to go to, so I stupidly and tiredly submit into the School that has no reviews. Again, I wasnt thinking straight, but I was eager to get back into school.
Later that night I got a response from the headmaster saying he wanted me to come to his school. At first I was surprised at how quickly he responed and I was confused on why he wanted me to go to his private academy. Me being not the best student was really concerned if I would survive in the school.
Today I'm going to Cross Academy. I had stepped out of the carrige that had taken me to the place. Grabbing my stuff, I quickly shut the door of the carrige and walked nervously to the front of the school. I walk down a long path to the doors of the huge school. The school was huge and it looked like a princess lives in this place. Of course Im over exaggerating but the school looks way too nice.

I walk around a elegant fountain, which female students had been sitting on. The court yard was filled with students. A few of them glance at me noticing my new face.

I walk into the big school taking in the new scenery. Slowly, I walk down the hall until I reach closed doors with a sign hung above them. The sign said "Headmaster's Office". I knock on the door not wanting to be rude and just intrude. I heard a cheerful voice call from the other side of the door, "Come in!"

I walk into the room seeing a man sitting at his desk smiling at my sudden appearance. He had two others acquainted with him. One of them was a short girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a cheerful smile on her face as well. The other person was a tall male. He had silver hair and beautiful lilac eyes. Too bad his stare was cold, so I couldnt stare into his eyes without feeling awkward or threatened.

"Hello, you must be the new student, (F/N) (L/N)!" The man sitting at his desk stands up and walks towards me. He looks me in the eyes, and has a very friendly aura surrounding him that makes him seem sort of father-like.

"Im the Headmaster here. My name is Kaien Cross, but you can just call me father!", he says before suddenly hugging me.

"O-Oh", I say as stupid as it sounds. I was really confused, I signed up to be in a school right? The headmaster let go of me and looks back at the other two in the room, "These are some of your classmates. They are also on the disciplinary committee, so if you need anything you can depend on them."

"Hi my name is Yuki Cross and this is Zero." The girl Yuki says. I watch as that girl Yuki elbows Zero in the arm, motioning him to say something. He eyes me before saying, "Dont you ever come near me."

"Zero! That was so rude and uncalled for!" Yuki yells at him. I furrow my eyebrows feeling insulted. I place a hand on my hip and ask, "Excuse me? I've never met you and I've only been at this school for the matter of fifteen to twenty minutes. Have I done something to make you mad?" The head master breaks the line of tension between Zero and I by nervously saying, "Hey Miss (Y/N), Why dont you go to your doorm room? Um, Yuki could show you to it!" Yuki looks at me and nods.

"Good now you better be on your way!" The headmaster tries to hurry me out the door. I stop him and turn around to face him.

"Wait what about my schedule or my uniform, maybe the rules too?" I ask him still wanting to know how to live at this school. The headmaster just brushes it off and pushes Yuki and I out of the room rambiling whatever nonsense he was. I look at Yuki confused in what to say or do. Suddenly Yuki laughs and pats me in my shoulder.

"Welcome to Cross Academy" She jokes. I chuckle while nodding a thanks.
Yuki and I were walking around, her showing me where everything was. It was really confusing but I knew Ill get the hang of it. The school isnt bad at all. I dont remember being so excited to go to school before.

As we continue to walk around, I tug at the short school uniform skirt. It was uncomfortable, especially since there was a breeze out on this fine day.

"Why are the skirts so short," I ask still a little uncomfortable. Yuki cringes and looks off into space.

"I wonder that too..." She says as if she was trying to offend the one who made them. She and I keep walking and talking but suddenly Zero walks infront of us.

"I knew your aura was weird when I first felt it, but know I understand." Zero says confirming something. Out of nowhere, he pulls out a gun and aims it at my head saying in dusgust, "Stop hiding your monster self!" I freeze and stare at the gun.

What was happening, I havent the slightest clue. Yuki stands infront of me, protecting my body. She stares at him and demands, "Put your gun away Zero, she did nothing wrong!" Zero groans and pushes Yuki out of the way harshly. Yuki falls to the ground. Zero walks towards me in an almost taunting way. Scared, I try to run away, forgetting the fact that he has a gun in his hand.

"You-" the voice was cut off, when a hand grabbed onto my wrist tightly. I look up at who had grabbed me and it was a male, wearing a weird white uniform. He had brown eyes and long brown hair.

"You, who are you?" The male asks. I stand there not knowing if I should be scared or confused. Maybe I should be both. Slowly I gape my mouth open, intending to say something.

"I-I'm..." was all I could get out before I remember who he is. A gasp left my mouth as I found myself struggling agaisnt his strong grip on my wrist.

"Wait... Are you.....?" He says while I continue to get out of his grip. Having no avail, I look to my side to see a suprized Yuki and Zero. Not to mention all of the suprized students surrounding us.

In a flash, my back was on the ground and the mans hand is squeezing my neck. I could see Yuki try to get him away from me as I struggle to breathe. Fear had completly taken over me to the point where I was reaching out for anyone or anything to help me. My conscious was going away from me slowly.

I watched as Zero held a gun to the male's head. On his lips he kept saying something about letting me go. I could tell that only made the man more angry because he squeezes my neck tighter. Black cirles form in my vision. I know this wasnt going to be good. Before I knew it, everything went black and my life had ended, or did it?

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