Yugi returns!

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(Zero POV)

When (Y/N) had to explain to Yuki and I on what happened, it made my blood boil more as she went on. I have no clue why I feel that way, but I do and I can't change that. Knowing who was up to this, I went to the main source to show him what he did was completely wrong. I open the doors to the classroom where Kaname and his bloodsucking friends were. Not caring about any ranks or respects, I walk up to Kaname. Grabbing his collar, all the vampires in the room stood alert. Putting my gun up to his head, I ask," What the hell is your problem pureblood?"

"What do you mean?" Kaname asks, unfazed and with an eyebrow raised. I growl and grit teeth not able to hold my anger, and yells," You know exactly what I'm talking about! Tell me why and I wont pull the trigger." Kaname slowly starts to grin at my threat. Before I pull the trigger, Yuki came up to us, and pushes me away from Kaname.


I close my door once Yuki left to run after Zero. They left me all alone, and nothing was to be heard but my frantic thoughts. I walk to my bed thinking that it was better to just sleep then to keep thinking it over. I don't want to be someone who constantly dwells on the negative parts in life, but it's quite hard when so many things had happened just from today. As I sit down on my bed getting ready to go to sleep, a knock was to be heard at my door. Sighing, only being able to lay down for a minute, I get up and walk over to my door. Opening it, I went from tired to surprised. For some reason my brother stood there at my door, and the aura surrounding him felt weird and unfamiliar. I smiled, and on the verge of hugging him, when he raised a gun at my head. With my eyes wide I say," Y-Yugi... What are you..." His eyes were cold and nothing like before.

"I'm sorry" He says quietly. The way his cold eyes pierced mine felt as if he painfully froze my heart. "I have to do it,  no matter how hurtful this may be to both of us," Yugi adds. He moved his aim down to my leg and shot at it. Falling to the ground, I was frozen in fear and surprise. Never had I thought in my entire life I would get shot. My mind was so confused on how I should react to the situation, to the point where my body forgot how to breathe. Finally, brutal pain gathered at my wound. I shakily put my hands to my wound and let my well waited tears fall from my eyes. Slowly soft gasps of pain grew into louder gasps by the second.  Yugi raised his gun back up at me, ready to shoot me again, but another gun came into view. The gun was aimed at Yugi's head.

"Put it down" a familiar voice said. I look up at the door to see Zero ready to shoot. Too frightened to say anything, I just stare at them. Yugi dropped his gun and turns towards him putting his hands up in surrender. To his motion, Zero slowly lowers his gun, but still maintiaing a good grip on it. After a few seconds, Yugi punches Zero in the face, and then turns around trying to run away. When he turns around, Yuki was already there blocking his escape route. As Yuki raised her staff at him, he grabbed the other end of the staff she was holding, and pushed the staff back at her, hitting her in her stomach. The powerful blow made her loose balance and gave Yugi an opportunity to escape . Yuki quickly recovers, and runs after Yugi. 

The next thing I knew, Zero was staring at me and cautiously walking over to me. I was clutching my leg in pain because, damn, did my leg hurt. He slowly kneels down next to me, staring at my wound in the process. Something seemed off in the way he was looking at my leg. I couldn't get the grasp of what it was, but his cold aura seemed to be wearing off. He traced his somewhat sad lavender eyes, to my own. Sighing, he carefully picks me up and hurriedly walks out of my room. Outside of the room, there were many girls gathered in the hallway, peering in on what was happening.

Zero carried me to the infirmary and set me down delicately on the bed. Feeling dizzy, and physically drained, I held onto Zeros warm hand, afraid be left alone. He looked at my helpless self, but I couldn't read what he was thinking. He pushed my hand off of his, after what seemed to be a sense of hesitation. Before I blacked out, I felt Zero hold onto my wound. Pressure was applied to it, and it hurt more than ever. There was just so much pain I could take, until I finally passed out.

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