Character List:

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Hi I decided to make a list of character's from both the Clan of  Noah and Black Order.

Clan of Noah

1. The Millennium  Earl: The head of the Noah family, is also know as Adam, he is able to create akuma, and control the ark, he has the appearance of a rounded man, with a devilish grin.

2.Road Kamelot: the 2nd noah know as Road, she is able to control dreams the ark, and has the appearance of a teenage girl.

3. Tyki Mikk: the third noah, he is able to go through anything and stand in midair and on water, he also has man-eating golems know as Teeze.

4. Sheril Kamelot: Tyki's older brother, and Road's adoptive father, he has the ability of controlling people similar to Kagi.

5.Lulubell:  she is a noah, with the ability to transform into anything or anyone.

6.Neah Walker, the 14th noah, he can control the ark, use instruments as weapons, manly the piano.

7.Jao Walker: The 15th noah, and Neah's adoptive son, he can control lighting, similar to Skin Bolic/Munno, he also has super-human speed, and strength as well as agility and durability, and he has a unknown IQ of 250.

8.Skin Bolic: the eight noah, he can control lighting similar to Jao.

9.Rebecca Walker: Neah's blood daughter, and 17th noah, of sin she has dragon based powers, and takes the form of a African teenager.

10.Crocodile Vistoklf : the 20th noah, and a really fighter, he is good with a sword.

11.Junno/Astir Radish: the 19th noah, of pity, his power is ice based, he is cold  and melodramatic, like Tyki it is believed that he can suppress his inner noah, creating duel identities and personalities his human identify and persona is that of a twenty-two year old Indian male living in America know as Astir Radish, strangely he can use his powers in white form, and he is hinted at having a wife named Sari and daughter named Kori.

12.Munno: Skin Bolics reincarnated form, she takes the form of a six-year old Austrian girl, she can control lighting she rarely leaves the ark, and is treated as Sheril as his daughter.

12.Wisely: the noah of wisdom, and Roads, and Munno's adoptive brother.

13.Mao: the Allen of 35 years ago, and Neah's friend his memory and abilities is unknown.

14.Astrix: the 1st fourteenth noah.

15.Tenjo keme: Yu kanda's adoptive brother and friend.

16. Micheal Alonso: the noah of time, he can control time, and time travel.

17. Q'Chong: the noah of demise, he is a very big man, who acts like a god, and was an ancient Chinese warlord.

18. Calyspo: the noah of deception, she is also Tyki's lover.

19. Jadevil: the annoying twin noahs.

20. Jigumira: a quiet noah, from Romania.

21.Troy Goodman: the noah of nightmares, his signature weapon is crows.

22. Jidda: Lavi, and Troy's wayward father, and noah of Truth, he is a former bookmen and loves  to record items, and is disappearing from time to time.

23.Aiken Kanda: Yu Kanda's twin brother.

24. Mishuma: a rarely seen noah.

25. Zodiac: a mysterious noah.

27. The Chang siblings: three noah, siblings.

28. Timcanpy and Lero: Golems who serve the Earl, with the 1st serving Neah Walker, (being his creation)

Black Order

1st Generation Exorcist: humans that can use innocence

1.Allen Walker: deceased now a fourth exorcist, was killed after Micheal and Neah took over his body Micheal despite the protest of Neah killed Allen by slowing down time, and causing  a relapsed which caused Allens innocence to kill him or so he thought.

2.Lenalee lee: deceased  now a fourth exorcist, was killed by Jao.

3. Lavi: Troy's younger brother, and a bookman.

4.Kory: a vampire exorcist.

5.Miranda: a exorcist who can control time, but not as grand as Micheal.

6. Amy: a exorcist from Ireland.

2nd Generation Exorcist: Artificially created humans

1. Yu Kanda: a grumpy soba loving exorcist, who later becomes a noah.

2.Nose Marie: Kanda's friend.

3rd Generation Exorcist: mentioned by Kagi as a joke, are Humans with Akuma DNA

4th Generation Exorcist: Humans with Noah DNA, they are usually deceased individuals who had their minds transplanted into a cloned body, of their original body.

1.Allen Walker: Crown Clown saved his memories and transplanted them into a cloned body.

2Lenalee Lee: she was killed by Jao, her body was moved to the Asian branch HQ where her memories were translated into a prototype clone body made of bio-organic materials

3.May Chung: a former 2nd generation exorcist who was killed in action.

4. Daio Boaz: a former finder who possessed sentient innocence like Allen known as Hawk Eye.

5.Cosmos: he/she was a former 2nd generation exorcist who vanished.


1.Koumi Lee


3. Johnny


5. Bak Chang

6.Howard Link

7. Fo

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