The Secret Emotions

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That's what they all said.

And what's worse, is that she believed everything they said.

Her mind was crumbling away, bit by bit.

But, no one could tell, because she hid it with the same smile she had all her life.

Only, it wasn't sincere. It was fake.

It was all fake, her smile, her laughs, her happiness.

Eventually, it got to the point where she couldn't take it anymore.

All the teasing, all the jeering, all the names. She couldn't go another day with them.

Tying the final knot on the noose, she put it around that piece of flesh most call a neck.

She looked at the corpse that was once her tormenter. She laughed.

No more problems for me...



You though she was going to commit suicide?

Pah! Too cliche!

But seriously, don't commit suicide, nothing good can come of it.

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