Chapter 2

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When we arrived at our campsite, the first thing the boys did was pelted the girls RV(mostly near my window) with water balloons. Like always, my parents suspected ME, of all people. I guess it would make sense... Because I'm always getting into trouble and blaming the boys. BUT I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!! THATS THE ANNOYING THING!!

To get away from this madness, I decided to go for a walk. Around the park, I met two girls. They were talking away like, holy. Anyway, I think I caught their names. Some thing like Kaitlyn, or Jo, maybe Jolene? I don't know, but it's something like that.

As I walked past, they just stopped and sorta just... Stared at me. Like, what am I? An animal at a zoo? So, I did what I always did, ignored them and walked away. You're better than them, I told myself, The girls are just jealous.

As I was on my walk, I noticed there was a lot more homeless people than the last time I came. When did this happen? I mean, sure, the Republicans are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, but who knew the unfortunate would choose such a difficult place to live?

When I returned to the campers, I went straight to my bed, where I found out that Jaycee and Lydia had gone through my bags for clothes for their fashion shows. And they stole my phone.

Oh, no. No. No. I didn't put a passcode on my phone! Never thought I'd need one until now. The two were hiding out somewhere, most likely on my phone. My Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr- You name it. I'm Internet famous, you might say. My name I use there is Razkiah, or Raz. Yup, that's me. My sisters still think I have only one account, my personal. But now, this changes everything. They're gonna reveal what I look like, my real name. God, I need my phone. No other device I can use.

I hate my family. I run out of the camper, and head out. Where would the two demons be?

Perhaps in the boys, where we aren't allowed to be. I peek around the corner, and the coast is clear.  I sneak into the boys camper, but the door creaked. Our family budget is not all that good. The boys were playing with their Lego, and didn't notice me. This is a one room camper, and I don't see my phone. Okay, maybe they're not in the camper. That's when I saw them, taking a walk outside, around the campsite. I hide behind a bush, and spy on them. They walk and talk like they're not hiding anything. Liars.

As I stalk them, I notice Jaycee has a rectangular object poking out of her purse, and it looks like my phone case. I leap out of my hiding place, and demand for my phone back.

"What are you even talking about, psycho? What do you take us for, kleptomaniacs?" Lydia retorted.

" Yeah, maybe I do. I just want my phone back, now." I answered. "Please?"

" Look, creep. We don't have your phone. Leave us alone." Jaycee rudely replied.

" Fine, be that way. I'll get it some how." I trotted my way back to the girls camper, and plopped down on the second-hand couch. I heard something hard bounce off the floor. I look, and find out to see that my phone is on the floor! So, basically, my phone was in this springy old couch, the entire time I was looking for it. That is lame. But what if the girls planted it here before I came back? I mean, Jaycee had the rectangular thing in her pocket, but what was it? As I open my phone, I realize my phone is cold. Maybe they put it in a fridge to cool it down. No apps are open, but they could've swiped them up. Oh, well. WAIT! I'll check all my apps, like tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. No questions on, nothing else posted or changed on my other apps. I guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

" HEY LOSER!!!" I hear from outside, sounds like a big group of people. I look outside the window, and the boys (along with Jaycee and Lydia) are pelting the female camper with eggs and water balloons. Wait, eggs? No stores around, and our family doesn't necessarily "believe" in eggs, because they're so expensive. Well, may as well go outside, I'll have to wash the camper, and myself. Just as expected, I'm covered in water and eggs as soon as I step outside. What can I say? I go to the store and buy some rags, I'm going to need them. May as well get a bucket and soap, all out of my own pocket, of course. Mom and Dad would be pretty mad if I used their money.

I learned how to get money, the hard way. No, not involving street things, or drugs. I got a job at our local diner, by saying I'm 16 instead of 14. I'm older than I look. On my way back to the camper, I can tell that people are giving me weird looks, probably because I have egg shells and water balloon rubber all over me. But I'm used to it, my family and people at school do it all the time.

The Jo and Kaitlyn girls kept on glancing at me and whispering. It felt like there was a gay pride parade in town, only with homophobes watching, and I was the parade, the homophobes is everyone watching. When I come back everyone is doing what they were doing before. For the rest of the day,  I scrubbed down the camper, to moms satisfaction. I stayed in my little bed ( AKA: old springy couch with a blanket) and was on my phone, or drew. If this wasn't bad enough, wait'll you hear about what Kaitlyn and Jo were talking about...



yay, second chapter !!:))) so the girl on the side is Krissy, I'll get more pictures of Lydia, Jaycee and the boys soon enough :) hope you like it, took me quite awhile. I'll try to publish more, now that I'm on summer break until September. love ya,
Dakota ☺️

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