Chapter 5

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Isabelle's POV
I got out of my room and took a walk.
I love walking in the morning, so quiet.

Until I bumped into Harry.
"Oh, sorry." he said.
I just smiled.
"Hi Belle." Harry greeted me.
"Hi." I barley said.

Harry's eyes widen at that.
"You talked." I chuckled and nodded.
"That's great." he said. I smiled.

"Oh, I got to go. I need to meet Oliver at the Qudditch pitch." said Harry. I nodded. Harry was about to go until I said.

He turned around. "Yeah?"
"Congratulations for making seeker." I said. Harry smiled.
When Harry left, I went to the Great Hall. I met Marcus there.
"Morning Belle." he greeted me.

"Hey." I whispered.
He was surprised.
"I'm glad that you're talking again." he said. I giggled.
"Well, I got to go. Classes starts in 5 minutes." he said. I smiled and nodded.
That night
I was in my room, just thinking. And I know it's Halloween. Dumbledore invited me. I sighed and got out of room.

As I walked through the corridor, I heard someone crying in the girls bathroom. I got curious so I went in.
I followed the cries and I knocked at the door.

"Go away."
It sounds like Hermione.


"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.
She sniffed, but didn't answer back.
"Hermione, please open the door." I said. She hesitated for a while. But then, she opened the door.
I saw her eyes. They were red and puffy.

She's been crying. I thought.

"What's wrong? I asked her again.
"No one wants to be friend with me." she cried. Then she looked at me.
"Who said that?" I asked.

"Who else, that Ronald Weasley." she replied, wiping her tears. "He called me a know-it-all." Hermione added.
I pulled her into a hug.

"Shhh..." She hugged back.

Harry's POV
"Where's Hermione?" I asked.

"One of the Patil twins said that she's been in the girls bathroom, crying." Neville replied.
I looked at Ron, but he just shrugged.

I sighed. I was thinking about Belle, a lot. Until....

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!!!!" Professor Quirell exclaimed. We got all scared.
"Thought you've known." With that he fainted.

Isabelle's POV
After 20 minutes of crying. Hermione wiped her dry tears.
"I'm sorry, Belle. For ruining your clothes." she said.
"It's okay, Hermione. That's what friends for." I said. Her head shot up.

"We're friends?" she asked. I smiled and nodded.
"But, you don't care if I'm a know-it-all?" she asked again.

"No, I don't. You look like one. I like the way you are." I replied. She smiled.

We both head out and we look on the floor, there was a big foot. We look up slowly, it was a troll. We move back slowly and we hide in the bathroom, then the roll smashed the top of the stall. We both screamed, screaming for help.

"Hermione! Belle, move!" I heard Harry yelled.
We both tried to move but the troll smashed more stalls in front of us.

"Help! Help!" Hermione screamed.

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