Chapter 2.

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Walking into that room I guess you could say I was expecting an over all normalness, but then why would I have been here if it was a school for normal people? Obviously I forgot that for a moment. Then again, it only took the split moment I saw some brunette guy with glasses and a bird-beak nose (very convenient) flying straight across the large, Victorian style class room to answer that question. Some students sat below staring up in awe, others found the moment damn right hilarious. Cautiously entering the class room I guess the first thing I noticed was the fact that I actually didn't feel hungry, like, at all. Not even the minor burning sensation of constant thirst was there as I stood watching the guy do back flips in mid air which was just , quite honestly, awesome! I almost forgot about the whole 'stay away from the shadows' thing, at least until I noticed a dark patch in the room and was seconds away from freaking out.

Before I could have my mental breakdown about the patch of shade under the far window the door behind me snapped open but as I turned to see who had came through the old wooden door I was only met with the door silently closing...weird. I guess the weirder thing is that the class behind me had fallen silent, as if they saw someone....or something...I didn't.

>'Excussssssse me, Misssssss Von Barington but I will need to get to my dessssssk,' came a voice that seemed have its own way of almost slithering of the owners tongue. The voice itself made my skin crawl so when I looked down to the lizard skinned gremlin thing I guess my heart would have pounded out of my chest...If it hadn't withered obviously. I had the sudden urge to jump back in revoltion of the monstrous thing in front of wonder the class went silent, this thing was ugly! I watched the bead-like eyes, dark black, wiry hair pulled back into a tight bun on the centre back of its square strangely square head, the green leathery skin, those lipstick coated lips (at least I know it either female or transsexual) as the thing eyed me suspiciously with its empty, snake like, eyes. Slowly, I moved out of the doorway so it could pass, still watching it as I moved backwards cautiously towards the chalk stained blackboard. This thing was so freaking creepy! I felt as if it was getting ready to eat me, like I was prey! Me? A vampire, one of the most predatory creatures on this planet (even if I forgot it sometimes), scared by a little green thing! Wow Mother would be impressed I thought to myself sarcastically, silently suppressing a smile.

'Classsssss, thissss isss Assssshleigh Von Barington. Sssshe will be attending our ssschool while learning of our waysssssss, pleasssse be welcoming. Assssshleigh, why don't you tell the classs about yourssself?' She askedin that snake-like voice as I supressed a shiver from its slithery tone. Eugh.

Looking around the class, trying to decipher the murmurs between people I was unsure of which whisper belonged to whom. I was however certain of the fact that my surname (my birth one) was being repeated over and over again. It was horrible to be called a Von Barington after so long being a Santiago, I'd been raised a Santiago and lived as a Santiago my whole life and being called otherwise suddenly made me feel as if I wasn't me any more. It was as if Ashleigh Santiago was just a girl I had known for a while, as if all those memories were somebody else’s. I may be a Von Barington by blood but I would always be a Santiago.

'She looks like a Von Barington.'

‘A Von Barington!'

'Do you think as in the Von Barington’s?'

'Do you think she's changed yet?’

'As in a Vampire? I thought she was a bit pale.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2011 ⏰

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