the truth

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(previously) kaityln fount out she had a dad! And asked her mother why she did that ? She said "well , do you want fish?" "MOM , answer my question !"I cetp it a secret because your dad is a bad man because he used to do drugs " "So he stoped ?" "yes" "So why don't you get back to gether?" "Because what he has done when you was only a new born , expecially cheat and go pay for sex!" (Girl brakes out in tears) "why are you crying " "because one dad loved you but not enough especially with a child , two because he paid money , three he don't love you " "well that is how life is " ( both starts to cry ) The next day they desired to let her see kaitylns dad when she wants because over 1 year she hasent been seeing her dad ....... To be continued ......

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