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(Dipper's POV)

I feel drained.
All week has been a bust.
Not to mention the part when Bill Cipher stole my body.
It was awful.
He's awful.
I hate demons.
I hate him.

I walk over to my bed, not bothering to change my outfit. Since Mabel's sock opera had just ended, we all wanted to just crash and sleep a while. This was a great plan to me. My entire body hurts. I haven't slept for days, and Bill tired me out even more. Not to mention the excruciating pain in my left hand and arm. Might have been the forks.

I stare at the mattress before me. It looked so inviting, and had stayed the same as it was about two days ago. Littered with paper. I didn't even care about the laptop Bill had smashed. It was useless anyway, since I didn't have the code. Oh well. Maybe I'm not meant to discover all these secrets.

I blink heavily, scattering the paper all about the room floor. I believe Mabel said she'd be downstairs for a while. Good. I wasn't sure I wanted to be in her presence for a while. It wasn't her fault, though. She just annoys me sometimes. After the papers were gone, or rather, off the bed, I heave a sigh and flop down on it.

My sheets smell nice. I curl up against my pillow, not bothering to pull a blanket over myself. I close my brown eyes for a moment, only to open them again. That's when I let it out.

My face scrunched up when I cried. I wasn't going to be loud, instead I bury my face in the pillow and squeeze it tighter. The tears pour out and down my cheeks and nose, my lips curling up angrily, but weakly. My face felt hot as I put a hand to my reddened cheek. I sit up and scrub my eyes as I cry.

I really hate him.
Why can't he see what I want?
He says he knows everything, but it doesn't feel like it.
I don't believe him.
He lies.
He's evil.
I hate Bill Cipher.
I only want knowledge.
I want him to go away.
To leave and never come back.

My body all of a sudden slowed down. I finished crying, but my eyes are still puffy and pink. I sniffed, undoing my shirt and tossing it away onto the floor somewhere. I yawn and move under the blankets, the light being off already. Only a bit of early moonlight shown in through the window.

I yawn one last time before nodding off to sleep.

Dreaming of nothing, except the comforting feeling of warm arms around my body for a short while into the long night...

I Can't Decide... (BillDip) [Bipper] {human Bill}Where stories live. Discover now