RIP Grandpa

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Alex: *runs in crying*

Emma: What's wrong?!

Mike: Everything ok?

Jeremy: you ok?

*everyone looks over*

Alex: *runs and hugs Vincent*

Vincent: *hugs her back* *strokes her hair*

Emma: What happened, sis?

Alex: M-MY GRAN-NDP-PA D-D-DIED! *cries louder*

Vincent: there, there...

Emma: Oh no...

Fritz: I'm so sorry

Scott: My condolences

Alex: W-Why do b-bad things h-happen me?!

*everyone looks at eachother*

Midnight: Oh Alex...

Vincent: *lifts her chin up* *nods to everyone*

Everyone except Alex: GROUP HUG!!!

Vincent: *gets squeezed into Alex* *smiles at her* *kisses her*

Alex: *blushes* *pulls back* *smiles*

Vincent: *wipes tears* *hugs tightly*

Alex: *hugs gently*

Mike: Where the fuck are the animatronics?! We have to make her happy again!

Emma: *whistles for them*


Mike: Oh shit...

*animatronics are in human form*

Bonnie: *strums guitar* let's party!

Foxy: Ye be smilin in no time!

Freddy: We will make sure of that!

Sparky: *barks* *smiles* you sure we can pull it off?

Candy: we surey sugar are!

TB: Heck yes!

TC: Chica, help me with food and desserts! You too Emma!

Emma: Yaya!

Carl: Party!

TF: Freddy and Midnight, help me with dubstep and midnight, your singing!

Midnight: *nods*

Freddy: Alright!

Mangle: I'll help BB with balloons!

BB: Yay!

Marionette: I'll help Vincent calm down dearest Alex.

Everyone: LETS DO THIS!!!

-with the Chica's and Emma-

Chica: *spills sauce on Emma* oops sorry!

Emma: *licks some of it* mmmm! Saucy!

TC: Sure is!

-with the freddys and Night-

Freddy: Got the song?

Midnight: Yup! It's her favorite!

TF: Perfect! I have all the dubstep by her favorite done too!

*all three high five*

-with the Bonnie's-

Bonnie: TB! Help! I have streamers all over me!! *is tangled in streamers*

TB: *walks over* *falls down laughing*

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