About your race.

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People sometimes make bad judgement s about your race or gender.

Aka in some scenarios people classify guys to be stronger than girls which is a stereotype in its self. Especially in history there have been some great stories of women being stronger than men, With what we do.

In stuff about you being "White" You have to wear the right clothes and be skinny. In the term of you being "Black" You have to be thick, And if your "Asian" You have to be petite.But theirs are just stereotypes which dont mean shit, and shouldn't in society.I don't care but I dont know if you do or not.This is a problem, Racism needs to stop, And people need to stop putting others down whether its verbally or physically .

The main message is treat others the way you wanna be treated,Believe in yourself, Make sure you remember race doesnt matter,Dont be racist,And be strong,Stay strong,Believe.

Racism isnt needed to make the world spin round remember that, Its just something people do to make people either feel bad , or not believe in themself.

Women are just as strong as men, Yet both can be idiots at times, This is the message , Think before you say things.

Till next time-Ruby,Xoxo

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