1 • Sucked In

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Midnight's POV

"Hey everyone! I might take a while to update my book. Ya know my Miss DeadPool book! Anyway-" I was cut off by a swirling portal sucking me into it. I appeared right above the ground and landed on a rooftop. "Ow." I groaned. I saw a figure next to me and I quickly sat up and scooted away from him. Then I realized the guy was Nightwing. "Who are you? And what was that portal from?" Nightwing said.
"Um I come from the real world and my name is Midnight." I responded.
"Real world? This is the real world."
"Um no it isn't. This is the DC world."
"Yeah. I'm from Massachusetts. Anyway Dick Grayson. I have to get a map and a job." I said and started looking around. He grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and said "How do you who I am?"
"Dude I know everything about you like-" I said then he covered my mouth and looked around like there was danger. Of course there probably was danger because... Well he's in the Bat family. If he thinks there's danger I bet there is. Then the Joker came out from the shadows of the roof, along with Harley. The Joker pointed a gun at us and I ran behind Nightwing. "So little bat. Who's your girlfriend?" J said.
"She isn't my girlfriend."
"So you won't mind if I shoot her?" Joker said then shot a bullet at me but a shield flew infront of us, knocking the bullet away. The shield had a Captian America symbol. I gasped and I saw Iron Man in the sky and Cap on the roof. I almost passed out from fangirling but I kept my cool. And then Thor appeared right next to me, threw his hammer at Joker and said in his booming voice "And who is the fair maiden?".
"Uh h-hi. I'm Midnight."
"And miss Midnight. May I ask what are your powers?"
"Powers? Um I have none. I just appeared here through a portal." I said. Then out of no where... KABOOM freaking Batman is here.
"Uh why's Br-" Once again cut off by Nightwing, covering my mouth. I rolled my eyes, extremely annoyed. Then another portal appeared over Nightwing and my friend landed on him. "Omg I'm so sorry mister!" She said then looked down and realized who it was. "Omg omg omg omg! Your Nightwing! Hey Midnight!" She said then ran up and hugged me. "Hey Vbean." I said.
"Where are we?"
"The universe I made up. Ya know the Mega Universe where shows combine."
"Uh yeah. Still wondering how you guys got here." Nightwing said.
"We have no idea!" Me and V said in union and we giggled.

--Time Skip--

3rd Person's POV

Nightwing had decided to train Midnight so incase she was in danger and someone wasn't there she'd be able to defend herself. Miss M is training V as well.

Midnight throws a punch but surprise surprise... Nightwing catches it! Midnight throws another punch with her other hand but he catches it and flips her.

Midnight's POV

The breath was knocked out of me and I groaned when I hit the floor. The floor said Status: Fail. "Ugh. I keep losing." I said. He helps me up and says "Don't worry you'll get it. In time." with a smirk. And we continued to train.

--2 months later--

Nightwing's POV

I've been training Midnight and she's gotten pretty good. I've trained her in my detective and 'hiding in the shadows' work. She even decided to become a hero like me. She adopted the name Darkness. A very nice name I'd say. And her friend V has seemed to have gotten powers. No idea how but she does. She had catlike powers and her superhero name is Kitty. I've become a bit attracted to Midnight... What can you say? She's cute.

Just wanted to say that I won't be taking awhile to update my books. Or maybe. I have no idea.

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