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How did you get together?

Dash: *smirks* I asked her!

Twilight: ...and as for how we feel in love...that's a long story...

Dash: It started when Twilight first came to ponyville, I pushed her into the mud and made her hair all super crazy!

Twilight: *sighs* Yes Dash.

Dash: Well anyway, that thing with nightmare moon happened and...

Twilight: Rainbow?

Dash: I just saw how skilled you were, y'know, with the magic thingy you do and how your bravery saved the day. Those to me are really attractive traits. Since then you've saved Equestria like a bazillion times! Not to mention you're beautiful and smart...

Twilight: *gushes* Awh, Rainbow that was so swe-

Dash: but a total egghead. *snickers*

Twilight: *glares*

Dash: *whispers* She loves me, it'll be fine...

Twilight: *rolls her eyes*

Dash: Don't be mad, its your turn to be sappy.

Twilight: When Rainbow asked me, I panicked. I wasn't sure how deeply I felt at that time. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that you have more intelligence then you take credit for, you're daring and confident....

Dash: *smirking* Yessss...

Twilight: And...it hit me like a fright train how much I...love you.

Dash: So...you said yes!

Twilight: *giggles* Yep. Thanks for the question!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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