2:48 AM

42 1 1

It is too fucking late to go to a gas station and I really have to pee. As we a arrived at the gas station it looked quite eerie, and I honestly don't know what else to say about it really. The doors were shut and had blinds. I'm guessing thats their way of closing for the night. Ok a light in the fucking gas station just fucking flickered. TIME TO GO, ME NO LIKEY. Trying to keep calm I tried to tell my mum in a bold confident voice that its too late.

"Aww oh well guess we'll just go in the morning then?" I said, my voice trembling in fear

"no they're open see?"

I turned to see what she was pointing at. Oh well thats just great! They open AT FUCKING 3 AM. DO YOU KNOW WHAT 3 AM IS? ITS FUCKING WITCHING HOUR BITCHES. WITCHING. HOUR. What ever you know what, what ever. I don't care anymore I have to take a pee.

"Oh ok well...I guess lets go then I have to pee anyway". 

"Ok well there should be a bathroom in here".

Well when we walked in there was a lady working there that looked as if she was about 16. She had a skintight blue dress on that only met to mid thigh. She also has my skin colour but a bit darker, and shoulder length black curly hair. She was really hot, but the blue lipstick was ruining it for me. Ok let's do this. I took a deep breath and walked up to her. Instantly regretting that decision because of one, the air smelling like spongebob ass, and two because as soon as I walked up to her she flashed the creepiest  fucking smile I have ever seen in my life.

"uhm excuse me where are the bathrooms?"  I asked looking really puzzled so maybe if she blows up this place and kills for fun with a fucking machete , my innocent looking ass could be saved.

"Yes, sweetie its over there" she pointed and OMG HER VOICE WAS REALLY FUCKING CREEPY.

"Ok thank you" I said, walking towards the bathroom. Ok well this fucking place is not sanitary. But gotta piss when you gotta piss I guess. I sigh in relief finishing up mah biz, then I try to open the freaking door. Is it seriously locked right now. I'm just a simple girl up in this creepy ass gas station trying to do something as trivial as take a piss and get the fuck up out of here, but no, there has to be far to many complications for me to even comprehend at this point. To my surprise the fucking  door actually opened ( with my whole fucking body weight forcing it open ).  On the side of the door I was greeted with the mysterious lady that ran the cash register. She was doing the creepy smile again. Ugh lady fucking stop that shit. Like damn, lady that shit is some scary SHIT ok. She just stood there. In the blue dress that was really revealing ( for a workplace setting ) and smiling. She slowly pointed to a blob on a floor. I couldn't quite make out what it was. I slowly backed away from her and walked towards the blob. As I got closer it became more apparent as to what it was. It was....my mum?? Why was she passed out like that?? I tried my best to wake her up, I kept shaking her but it was to no affect. My thoughts were racing. What is happening?? Why is she on this dirty floor?? Why cant that girl over there wear some fucking  pants?? I tried to fish for my phone in my pockets but ohoho how fucking convenient it's in the god damn nasty bathroom. 

"Looking for this?"  the lady said handing me my shitty phone.

"Yes". I replied. 

Quite calmly considering MY MOTHER WAS IN A FUCKING COLMA.  Ok well at least I get to use this emergency setting for once. I thought to myself, again, sliding left on the phone screen. 

*Your phone line has been temporarily disconnected*


"um excuse me ma'am, can I use your phone please?"

"Oh, that won't be necessary".

"Oh did you already call the hosp-" 

"Nope" she smiled, pulling out a knife, and cutting me off of my fucking question. Fucking bitch. I KNEW THIS BITCH HAD A GOD DAMN PLAN. I KNEW IT. I ran as fast as I could to the car. The keys were in the seat. Its okay, i'll be fine. I swung the door open and put the keys in the ignition. The car won't start. Is it me? Am I supposed to but my foot on the gas? Or put it in reverse before I start it? No but i'm losing time. The lady was slowly but surely making it to my car. (It's mine now fuckers. momma dead) I tried at least 4 times before she got here. She's at my FUCKING DOOR OMG WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?? She's trying to get in but not doing a very good job of it as I am holding the door shut with the handle. I can't hold it forever, she's getting stronger or i'm getting weaker. One of the two, but probably the second one. She's staring at me with a blank happy expression. 

"Stop! Why are you doing this??" I said, panic obviously in my voice. She didn't respond, just the same fucking smile. 

"Please! Stop!" again no reaction. the door was opening little by little and I needed to think quick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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