Part three

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{Plot twist, I'm not dead. Back again! :0 So sorry about that! Im back now, witch means a new chapter!
I hope that you will enjoy it and i love you bunch! <3}

(Harry's POV)
"So were are you from?" Liam takes a bite of his apple and waits for me to reply. I like Liam. He is the first nice person I have meet.

But then again, it dosnt take much to be nicer than Louis.

I have no idea what his problem with me is. I didnt mean to invade his privacy? I was just curious. I could see the book sticking out. I have never meet a person, that was intelligent enough to understand that book. Louis didnt really strike me as the big reader. So yeah... I was just curious.

But Louis never even gave me the time to explain. He just started beating me up.

Sure I have been bullied before, but it was only verbally. It never left visible marks. That amount of amazement I felt when I saw the book, is gone now. It left when he kicked me in the stomach.

He is just another bully. But then again... I could have sworn I saw something, when I thought he was gonna help me up. A little spark of... something in his eyes.

"Hello?" My stream of thoughts are broken by the hand, that Liam is shaking in front of me.
"Are you alright?" He looks at me concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine" I try my best to smile.

"Are you sure? Its never fun to encounter Louis... Take it from me"
I dont think that the last part was for me to hear.

Liam was the one, who peeled me of the floor. He found me in the chemistry room and hasn't really left my side since. I dont know if it's just because he feels sorry for me, but I don't really care. It beats eating alone.

"No it's fine"
Liam just nods and takes another bite of his apple.

"Do you know why he is like that?" Just as I ask, Louis enters the cafeteria.
My heart starts to beat faster... because I'm afraid he's gonna beat me up again...

Luckily he dosnt see me or he is just ignoring me. Both witch I'm completely fine with.
He goes and sits next to a blond haired boy with one of his friends. Crap. I'm the first "thing" he would notice if he looks straight ahead.

"That is Zayn.."
I turn my head. "What?"

Liam rools his eyes and noods towards the table. "The dark haired guy with Louis. His name is Zayn Malik" I slowly noods and looks at the table again. "And that guy..." Liam takes the last bite of his apple. " Niall Horan"

He trows the apple in to the trashcan. I admire the shot. He would be good at basketball.

"What is Louis' last name?" I ask.
I need to stop with the Louis-questions.

"Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson. The biggest jerk on the planet"
I huff and looks down trying to avoid eye contact with Louis.

That would not end well.

"Zayn is too. If he's not meaner, he's definitely stupider" Liam looks at him with hatred burning in his eyes.
"I'm guessing you have had a situation simular to mine?" I ask the question with an uncertain voice.

Liam just shrugs and looks away. "Story of my life"

There is a silent after Liam's sentence, but its nice. I like Liam. He knows when to talk ans when to be quit. I dont get why someone would bully him. But bullying has never made any sense to me. I dont understand how they can sleep at night knowing they could be the reason some one is crying themselves to sleep. It's horrible.

"I dont know actually" I'm deep in my thoughts, when Liam breaks the silence.
"What?" He noods at Louis. Some girls have joined them now.

Is one of them Louis girlfriend?
I just cant picture Louis in a serious relationship.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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