Chapter 5

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You know that moment when your spouse finds you in bed with another? Well hell, you wouldn't know now would you?

"What's going on in here?" He demanded.

"I can explain! Why are you even back here?"

"That's beside the point. Who is this and why is he here?"

* * *

Two Days Earlier

Thomas stared at the computer screen, looking at the continuously blinking red dot that showed the most dangerous weapon out there whoever had just accessed it. It showed that the person who accessed this weapon was in the States; Manhattan to be exact. Right where he lived. Someone found out about his secret. He needed to get back there. Now.

This weapon was his true identity.

He felt bad for bringing Abby into his mess but when she got pregnant, he couldn't just leave her alone. His mother thought that it was best if he married her so he could keep an eye on her and the baby. Also, so she wouldn't be able to testify against him if he ever was caught and brought to trial. Then the miscarriage happened, they got over it eventually, but then Abby's sister found out about his real identity through her husband, who was –coincidentally- an FBI agent. Thomas had to do what he thought was best, he eliminated the threat. But there was one flaw in the plan, Abby didn't tell Thomas that her sister had a daughter; so when the police called her the night and told her that they wanted her to identify her sister's husband and her sister's body, he was shocked when she told him that they found a little girl in the car with them, he thought his cover was blown. Thankfully, Kaylie was too young to know what she was in the middle of.

"Thomas, what is it?" He jumped slightly when he heard his mother's voice behind him.

"It's nothing." He pressed 'Esc.' On the computer and turned around to face her. He still didn't forgive her for tricking him into coming there on the pretense that his father was in the hospital. His father was well and away on business in their home country; Argentina.

"Stop lying, boy. The last time I saw a light like that was twenty-two years ago, and we had to leave Argentina. Now tell me what's going on. " His mother stepped in front of him.

"Nothing that I can't handle." He pulled her out of the way and walked out with the computer.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Nella –his mother- dialed a number she never knew she even remembered. The person picked up on the first ring.


'I need your help. Come here.' She said and hung up. Everything would be okay now.


Thomas was shocked when he opened the door and his father stepped inside.

"Father?" He had to blink twice. He thought his mother said that his father was out of the country, obviously she was mistaken.

"Where's your mother?" His father asked.

"I'm not sure. She's probably out." He said. Jorge, his father, took out his phone, tapped a few keys and then headed towards the stairs, cursing.

"What is it?" Thomas asked. His father kept going, occasionally looking at his phone. They walked towards the back of the house and went out back where the garage was. His father placed his phone on a table then searched for something Thomas couldn't see. He placed his hands on either sides of a table and pressed something. Almost immediately, the wall beside of the table parted and a door emerged. Jorge typed in code and the door silently opened to show a staircase going downwards. Thomas and Jorge walked down the stairs and they both stood in front of a door with a keypad. Jorge punched in a code and opened the door. He sucked in a breath at the sight in front of him.

His wife was in the middle of the bed, her hands hidden beneath the sheets, her eyes closed and her mouth shaped in a perfect 'O'. Jorge didn't need a Masters' in Behavioral Science to figure out that a man was under the sheets....pleasuring his woman.

You know that moment when your spouse finds you in bed with another? Well hell, you wouldn't know now would you?

"What's going on in here?" He demanded.

"I can explain! Why are you even back here?"

"That's beside the point. Who is this and why is he here?"

Jorge bellowed. The body beneath the sheets froze; Nella gulped and pulled the sheets up to cover herself- from her own husband.

"I'm giving you thirty seconds to explain yourself." Jorge said, his eyes fixed on the bulge in the sheets where the man who had been pleasuring his wife was.

"If you could just calm down and let me explain to you, but not now. You aren't calm enoug-" She was cut off by a gunshot. She almost flinched. She felt the body of the man slump against her and a pool of blood started to form where his head was. She turned her attention back to Jorge, who, not as she suspected had just shot the man, was taking the gun out of Thomas' hand. They both had totally forgotten that Thomas was still in the room. Nella pushed the body off hers and got up while slipping on her robe.

"Thoma-" She started but was cut off by another shot, it took her almost a whole minute for her to realize that the bullet had grazed her left shoulder. She knew Jorge was the one who fired the gun without even looking at him, besides, she did the same thing to him when they had met for the first time... but now wasn't the time to reminisce about the past.

"Next bullet will be in your chest." He said and walked out. She looked at Thomas.

"Clean this up." He instructed, pointing at the room that he didn't know existed until now- and wished he didn't find out about it at all.

              **end of chapter**

So here is another awesome chapter. Is it worth a Wattys? I hope it is. So as you already know, I decided to enter this book in the Wattys and I need your help in winning. Yes, your help. So here's what I want you guys to do,

A) I want you guys to vote for my book. Every. Single. Chapter. And. Update.

B) I want you to share this book. Shout out the name from the rooftops. Write it on the boards in your classes or anywhere that everybody will see it.

C) Share a link to the story- THIS story on Wattpad with the #MyWattysChoice tag. Do this on Twitter too please between AUGUST 24TH AND 31TH.... PLEASE.

Also, Please check out my now book Lust, Lies and Deception. It has potential.

Tishi_boo <3

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