My Story

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This is just gonna be a story/ diary thing on here so you guys can get to know me and learn about my life :P

So first off ma name is Victoria but I go by Tori. I'm 12 and am 13 on December 13. I have one little brother named Jonnie who is 5. My dad died from a car crash a week after Jonnie was born. My mom is hardly ever home because she is always working.

Friends. Don't have any really.. At school I am always bullied for being weird and awkward....

My only friends are from the Internet and I guess I just wish someone would wanna actually get to know me.

I love to sing and dance. Those are my two passions. See, I am not good in school... At all. I'm always falling asleep in my class or just failing them all together. I was never very smart...

I love singing because I can write my emotions into songs. Yes, I write songs. When I sing I feel like I can be me and nobody can judge me.

Dancing. I love hip hop. I tried ballet before and well me being me it didn't go well. Jazz is also kinda fun but my passion is definitely in hip hop.


- my fav movies are All About Evil, One Missed Call, Mean Girls, and The Avengers.

-I love the Color Blue:P

- sleep is ma fav thing to do

- I honestly don't have a fav food because its too hard for me to decide but the only food I don't like is Brussels sprouts, liver and stuff like that:)

- my fav animal is a tiger or a dolphin

- My only fear is of falling in love. That's it. I'm not scared of anything else.

- I LOVE Starbucks!!! It's ma life.

- sugar and candy and chips are like my fav things in the world:)

- I love fruits!!

- I am not really girly at all:P

I know no one will really read this but whateves

If you have any ?s you want me to answer comment:)

Haha I won't get any comments will I?? Lol

Wells... Ta Ta for now!


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