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I wumbo

You wumbo

He she we wumbo

Haha random I know I know:)

So it's like 9 pm and I'm super awake lol

Homework- finished

Movie&pizza- done

Unsocial boring life - still living

So like today I've been updating this but not the other ones because I just need to edit them but ill make sure the other fanfics are up tomorrow:) yay!!

For those who didn't know my mom got run over by a car a few days ago.

Ok so like here's da story:

We were walking outta the grocery and this car runs into her, rolls down their window, screams "are u ok?" As they drive away. JERK FACES! my mom broke her leg, hurt her back and had to get stitches in her head. #creepy

I hate hospitals.


... I'm freakin serious tho....

Ya know that annoying moment when you HATE a song and its just like " ha! Imma get stuck in your head!" Yeah uhm that's happening right now, it's sucks. Wanna know the song? It's Call Me Maybe. Yikes. Help, save me! It's torture having it run through your head over an over again.


Trying to think of stuff to say....

My brother is obsessed with toy story and its really cute haha! He has a buzz costume and little toy story dolls:) I hope he never grows outta this cos it's too cute:P

I have this really weird craving for jello.....

Eh oh well!

BOREDZ so if have any questions leave em in da bio!

Lemme guess not gonna get any?

Not a surprise....


-I love to watch sports

- playing sports can be fun but I don't wanna do it for like a team and competition ya know?

- I have 20/20 vision but tons of people at my school think I wear contacts lol NOPE!!!

- l used to have bracessss

- I have a stuffed bear named beary creative right?

- I love ya beary 😘😳

- my lucky number is 13 <3

- Justin B is eh ok... Not ma fav singer but has a few songs I like

- I feel like I listen to weird music....

- my middle name is Elizabeth and I feel like its too long... I mean I already have long first name... Victoria Elizabeth ****** not giving out ma last name ya stalkers :P

- ma least fav Color is orangeeee

- I'm in love with Arizona Ice Tea and Snapple products <3

- I have had suicide thoughts before but never went through with them because I wanna be there for my little brother:)


- he is super cutes!

-he hates his picture taken so I only have like 2 of him on ma phone!!!!

- he loves to watch robot wars on TV

- I love bows:)

- my style of clothing is like when I'm home alone it's onesies and baggy sweatpants and oversized sweatshirts but when I'm outside its like high waisted shorts, rompers, skinny jeans, plaid shirts, suspenders, bows, hippy clothes, vintage shtuff lol I love clothes:)


Well that's all for now

Ta ta for now

Loves ya whoever reads this <3


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